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Latest Intel XTU allows 2 bins for G751 / i7-4710HQ

Level 10
Hey, guys.

So in the i7-4720HQ thread >here< Antoine supposedly came across something interesting.
All I had to do was install XTU (which had to be done manually, since XTU itself didn't recognize the new version) and voila. 3.5 > 3.7GHz. Haven't done any benchmarks yet, but there you have it.


Previously, this wasn't possible with firmware over version 202, though I have not tested older versions of XTU for it...since, apparently, this version bypasses whatever changes ASUS might have made. Thanks, Intel?
No troubles so far with it ... an extra 100MHz is an extra 100MHz. Dunno what changed.
I imagine this would work for all G751s. Have a go I guess, not much to lose.
No problems with Watchdog, either. Running firmware ver. 207 and Win10. warryabel thinks it won't work on Win8?

warryabel wrote:
what does wdt? i dont mess with ram timings or bclk the other stuff is unrelated to wdt i think

WDT will reset default ram settings if you get your timing wrong, so you don't brick your laptop.

But if you're using the default samsung ram sticks you can easily do 10, 10, 10, 30. My 16go went to 9, 9, 10, 28 no problem.. And it does give you quiet a boost in every day tasks..

Level 8
Everything is stable, and temps are ok, i get 79-80°C during XTU benchmark (a 806 score) and 74°C max after 2 hours of XTU CPU stress test

Still WDT missing is really ennoying!! Edweird you have it present under the system information tab ? Because i have it in system32 folder but not in XTU and not working..

antoine52200 wrote:
Everything is stable, and temps are ok, i get 79-80°C during XTU benchmark (a 806 score) and 74°C max after 2 hours of XTU CPU stress test

Still WDT missing is really ennoying!! Edweird you have it present under the system information tab ? Because i have it in system32 folder but not in XTU and not working..

your rams run above 1600?

antoine52200 wrote:
Everything is stable, and temps are ok, i get 79-80°C during XTU benchmark (a 806 score) and 74°C max after 2 hours of XTU CPU stress test

Still WDT missing is really ennoying!! Edweird you have it present under the system information tab ? Because i have it in system32 folder but not in XTU and not working..

you play with the bclk i the latest version is no bclk for haswell changing does not affect the busspeed look in you cpuz on picture! in this case wdt can help you reset the bclk but when this feature is no present he had nothing to the watchdog wuff

Level 8
yes i changed somes timings on the ram to 9,9,10,28

Yes bclk is working, at default 100mhz my bus speed is 99.76 i only play a little to go to 99.8, 99.9. right now i'm at 99.94mhz

Level 10

Edweird wrote:


I'm gonna do it all again from beginning and all, but somehow i don't have it.. i don't really need it right now but i want everything right!

Level 7
I can only go to 36x on my 4710 so I'm not sure what I'm missing. Firmware version 211 on my Asus G751JY. XTU latest version .28.

fidelity101 wrote:
I can only go to 36x on my 4710 so I'm not sure what I'm missing. Firmware version 211 on my Asus G751JY. XTU latest version .28.

Me too.. I tried different Bios and I tried updating to from many previous versions, but no way to unlock values.

Honestly, I want to "trick" XTU not only for the 37x multiplier, but for exceeding the 50/60 W TDP, because in benchmarks/stress tests it limits the CPU speed.

Are you on W 8.1 too?