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Latest Intel XTU allows 2 bins for G751 / i7-4710HQ

Level 10
Hey, guys.

So in the i7-4720HQ thread >here< Antoine supposedly came across something interesting.
All I had to do was install XTU (which had to be done manually, since XTU itself didn't recognize the new version) and voila. 3.5 > 3.7GHz. Haven't done any benchmarks yet, but there you have it.


Previously, this wasn't possible with firmware over version 202, though I have not tested older versions of XTU for it...since, apparently, this version bypasses whatever changes ASUS might have made. Thanks, Intel?
No troubles so far with it ... an extra 100MHz is an extra 100MHz. Dunno what changed.
I imagine this would work for all G751s. Have a go I guess, not much to lose.
No problems with Watchdog, either. Running firmware ver. 207 and Win10. warryabel thinks it won't work on Win8?

Level 10
Hmm, so the only way to unlock the 4710HQ to x37, x36, x35, x35 is by Warryabel's method ? Cause then I would like to ask someone to upload the ASUS Intel XTU version, as I've done a clean install of win10 on my unit :D.

Hopefully, I'll get another 100Mhz from my rusty CPU.

Level 7
its not my method,was ed´s tip
i´m on the link

can someone tell me if the motherboard changed,must the sn of g751 also must change or have i the same when changing mb?

I saw that Ed started the thread but then I saw that you found a way to reproduce the effect.

Well, I actually managed to get it working last night :D. I was already running on the latest version of Intel XTU (without installing over previous versions). So I just did a reinstall of the same version and then I downloaded Throttlestop and set the Turbo Ratio Limits (TRL) to 37, 36, 35, 35 and now the CPU work at 3500Mhz with 3 and 4 cores active :D.

What's weird is that I don't even have to keep Throttlestop turned On or even running. Once I've changed the Ratio Limits and selected the corresponding profile for which I made the changes (Performance, Game, Internet, Battery - It doesn't really matter which one you change. I changed the Game profile from Throttlestop) the CPU seems to work at 3500Mhz in full load, even though in my Intel XTU the multipliers are showing x36, x35, x34, x34.

To check this I ran benchmarks and GTA V with more monitoring programs. All my monitoring programs are telling me the same thing, that the CPU works at x35 with 3 and 4 cores active, and MSI's OnScreenDisplay is telling me the same thing while playing GTA V. ALso the benchmarks give more points so it's not a reading error of the monitoring programs.

You can see that the minimum clock ratio on all cores was x35 (high performance plan to keep the clocks at max all time) and that MSI shows 3492Mhz while in-game.

Here you can see that, even though Intel XTU shows x34, x34 for 3 and 4 cores active, the minimum frequency that he registered was x35, and the max x36. So, it's just an user interface limitation I suppose.

And here are the TLR (Turbo Limit Ratio) from Throttlestop. As you can see, it's not even turned on:

warryabel wrote:
its not my method,was ed´s tip
i´m on the link

can someone tell me if the motherboard changed,must the sn of g751 also must change or have i the same when changing mb?

What the hell is in that archive. Tried installing that AsDetI7CPU thing, then the XTU thing (the xtu said i don't have sufficient permission even with admin), then installed XTU again, now it says i have 0Ghz, 0 cores etc.

Rares95 wrote:
What the hell is in that archive. Tried installing that AsDetI7CPU thing, then the XTU thing (the xtu said i don't have sufficient permission even with admin), then installed XTU again, now it says i have 0Ghz, 0 cores etc.

must not installing that AsDetI7CPU only xtu it bring the other stuff(wdt,etc) with it...
p.s when you install xtu there is no detect exe in the install exe....the detect exe is only in the orginal asus xtu folder! but the orginal is not
i think you try something wrong

warryabel wrote:
must not installing that AsDetI7CPU only xtu it bring the other stuff(wdt,etc) with it...

GEE THANKS for the heads up! But now that Installed it, how do I delete it?

Edit: Fixed by manually removing watchdog. Never installing anything again without having proper instructions.

Level 7
what is your facit? has you the same issue when start xtu the multi in throttle goes down also the max. showed freqency and when close all went fine?

Nopes. I can keep all of them running and the clocks remain at x35/x36. I don't even need Throttlestop running after I've done the changes to the Turbo Limit Ratios:


Important factors might be: I'm running a clean version of Windows10 in UEFI mode.

You should do it again nitro, your xtu isn't unlock now, and it should be! 🙂

Level 8
You shouldn't have to use throttlestop at all, if done right, you should just need XTU and you should have 37x in xtu..

The good thing about xtu is it will run the new profile on every boot, so you don't have to open throttlestop everytime...