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Laptop fan never goes under 1900 RPM?

Level 7
So, I got a fairly new laptop - a month old. Asus ROG G771JM.
Starting a couple of days ago, the CPU fan *seems* slighty louder. Nothing extraordinary, but noticeable. HWMonitor says the fans never go below 1900 RPM even when idle. Temps are fine.

Is 1900 RPM a normal speed for idle?

Level 12
TheMadTitan wrote:
So, I got a fairly new laptop - a month old. Asus ROG G771JM.
Starting a couple of days ago, the CPU fan *seems* slighty louder. Nothing extraordinary, but noticeable. HWMonitor says the fans never go below 1900 RPM even when idle. Temps are fine.
Is 1900 RPM a normal speed for idle?

TheMadTitan, that is lower than I thought it would be for the G751, on the G750 idle continuous speed is 2300 rpm.

Level 7
Thanks for the incredibly rapid reply! That's a relief to know.

I'm somewhat concerned about the noise, though. It kind of seems a bit louder than when it was brand new. Nothing deal breaking, but the fans can be heard when typing/browsing. Very slightly, but they're there - when the laptop was brand new I needed to put my ear close to it to hear them...

TheMadTitan wrote:
Thanks for the incredibly rapid reply! That's a relief to know.

I'm somewhat concerned about the noise, though. It kind of seems a bit louder than when it was brand new. Nothing deal breaking, but the fans can be heard when typing/browsing. Very slightly, but they're there - when the laptop was brand new I needed to put my ear close to it to hear them...

TheMadTitan, did you change the location of the laptop, or surrounding materials, where reflections might account for the different sound? The pitch of the sound is sensitive to materials around it - you can enhance / reduce / deaden the sound by changing the materials near the fan ./ exhaust.

Level 7
I did not - well, I *am* in a different house, at the moment. Smaller room, but similar setting - the laptop is sitting on a hard, wooden surface.

TheMadTitan wrote:
I did not - well, I *am* in a different house, at the moment. Smaller room, but similar setting - the laptop is sitting on a hard, wooden surface.

TheMadTitan, when you go back to the other location, check the difference in noise from the fan, if any. If you have objects, a wall, books, etc, those objects are reflecting sound. You can angle the laptop away from them, toward open space off the edge of the desk, to reduce noise reflections.

Level 7
I concur with your statement regarding the fan noise operation before and now. After 2 weeks of use, finally I am hearing the fans (not under heavy load at all) my fans spin at 2300 RPM (G751JY). In mi case can be due to cigarette smoke and dust factors, go figure.

Level 7
Thanks for the replies, guys. I really appreciate it, and feel quite better knowing that it's probably nothing.

I do try to keep it clear from dust, but it's pretty much impossible, of course.
Also, the temps are quite fine (less than 40 ºC when idle and a maximum of 86 ºC when under very heavy load), so I guess that's the most important.

Will definitely report back when I'm back at my usual location. Thanks once again!

Level 7
Mine is around 2200rpm-2300rpm but it's less than a week old. Temp is around 40-41. When it was brand new, I could hardly hear anything but now, the fan is noticeable. Not loud but can definitely notice it more.

Level 10
Let's be serious now, these are quite powerful machines and you can't expect them to run as silent as a Mac ultrabook. Also, as Hmscott said, the surrounding materials also have a big impact on the level of noise. For example, I use it on a wooden desk and I get a bigger noise level due to vibrations of the wooden board beneath the laptop. It is still quite silent. Try a desktop for a change and you'll see then :).
PS: I can mainly hear the air flux instead of the fan rotations. These are 2 different sounds. It is quite impossible to reduce the air movement noise because these are physics. Fan noise is a little different and quite annoying, like a high note/level buzzing.