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Just got new G751JY-DH72X and here's my disappointment with Asus.

Level 7
I have just spent $3100 dollars for a new G751JY-DH72X. + $150 for a licensed Windows 7, because G751 comes with Windows 8.1 preinstalled which a true joke from Microsoft. I have found out that Asus even doesn't provide drivers for Windows 7.

Having a most expensive laptop out there on hand I'm expecting excellent support from Asus as well. Apparently Asus does not have any plans to support their customers if these guys even doesn't provide drivers for OS other than 8.1.

SO, are we expecting and extended driver selection list from Asus in near future? Because I don't want to start hacking drivers today if Asus will post drivers for Windows 7 later. Asus if your are reading this then please provide drivers for at least Windows 7.

P.S. Windows 8/8.1 is a OS for child, it is not professional OS and not suitable for serious sh*t. I've got this laptop to be a professional work machine with capability of gaming when I want it, 3d modeling, software development and programming, science, NOT a tablet for browsing an internet and sitting in the facebook or twitter.

ArthurV wrote:
the problem is that Windows 8, same as Windows 10, does not bring anything useful to me at all except additional work to clean up everything. I will not use live apps and all those new shiny features, I don't need windows store, I don't need probably every single feature added that makes windows 8 or 10 looking more fresh/new or different. The direction Microsoft is heading is full online integration, synchronization - I don't like this. When I need to go online I open my browser. I want to be in control of everything. May be I'm old fashioned guy, but the new windows from MS just bring me extra pain in the ass and nothing more. I wouldn't mind of extra stability though.

Windows 7 was like a golden mean between innovations and hardware, I could probably feel like I'm the boss and I can do everything I want, on the other hand Windows 8/10 treats you like child.

If Microsoft could provide a professional version of Windows 8 or 10 that would be another discussion.
This is just my personal preference, nothing more.

Again you are out of date. Try looking into windows 10 a bit more and you'll be aware there is a big push towards building an OS for organisations and companies, as well as mobile and home users.

The fact that you are unable to adapt to Windows 8.1 is your problem, and not a problem for Asus. So YOU need to find the solution not them!
They made it VERY CLEAR that this laptop come with Windows 8.1 and you brought it as so! You now suffer at your own decision making and lack of adaptability.

Level 7
I'm running a full Win7 GUI on my Win 8.1. Yes, it can be done. It's faster than Win 7 so that alone is a big bonus.

"Ram disk" is not an installation procedure !!!

Level 7
ArthurV wrote:
I have just spent $3100 dollars for a new G751JY-DH72X. + $150 for a licensed Windows 7, because G751 comes with Windows 8.1 preinstalled which a true joke from Microsoft. I have found out that Asus even doesn't provide drivers for Windows 7.

$3100? you over paid! I got mine cheaper than that and shipped half way around the world to my door!
The fact you consider Windows 8.1 to be a joke, but offer absolutely no backing to that argument just proves you clearly haven't even put time into adjusting to it. I find Windows 8.1 works perfectly on this laptop. Got no issue with it and just use the Metro UI for nothing more than my start menu which I love! other than that it runs just like windows 7 for me, with my awesome backgrounds being covered by lots of open windows........

Having a most expensive laptop out there on hand I'm expecting excellent support from Asus as well. Apparently Asus does not have any plans to support their customers if these guys even doesn't provide drivers for OS other than 8.1.

I am very excited that you might be able to point us all to the Asus released documentation telling you that Windows 7 is supported by the company. If Asus never made such claims, then you only have yourself to blame for downgrading from Windows 8.1 to Windows 7 without first checking the suitability to that move!

SO, are we expecting and extended driver selection list from Asus in near future? Because I don't want to start hacking drivers today if Asus will post drivers for Windows 7 later. Asus if your are reading this then please provide drivers for at least Windows 7.

Why should they spend time developing drivers for the odd grumpy person like you, who takes rash actions before researching the potential outcome. The only driver support required is for Windows 8+ and Windows 10 (which btw runs perfectly!)

P.S. Windows 8/8.1 is a OS for child, it is not professional OS and not suitable for serious sh*t. I've got this laptop to be a professional work machine with capability of gaming when I want it, 3d modeling, software development and programming, science, NOT a tablet for browsing an internet and sitting in the facebook or twitter.

Comments like this, claiming an OS is for a child makes me think you are a child yourself. Did mummy buy that laptop for you for Xmas?
The fact you've purchased a gaming designed laptop for a professional work machine as your primary usage makes me laugh so hard, my tummy rumbles!

Guess what. I spend all day working from home on my Asus g751 72X, I consider that to be "serious sh*t", where I to do development. I did the same work on my old slow machine before as well but upgraded to G751 because of the gaming experience.
Visual studio works perfectly in windows 8.1 (shocking I know! microsoft products working in a microsoft product....) as does SSMS. All my photography app work brilliantly and quick on this laptop..... Running in windows 8.1 still!.

I just think you need to get out some more. You are clearly one of those people who allows their opinions to be formed by the media and forum posters who do nothing but spread hate! You don't form your own opinion, you lack experience and research skills, and you make choices that you keep regretting! Grow up!

Level 7
....sorry wrong thread...