03:20 PM
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11:41 PM
06-28-2013 06:38 PM
PPanda wrote:
Hello Asus and Asus owners,
I recently found myself in the market for a gaming/producing laptop after selling my 2010 imac for cash.
After a few days of grueling comparison shopping I had it narrowed down to either the MSi GT70 2OC or the Asus ROG g750jw.
I bought the g750jw in the end because I assumed Asus would have a better build quality over MSi. Also, the 1 year accidental damage warranty was appealing.
It was supposed to come into the shop today but was held up in shipping and I won't get it now until after Canada Day.
After reading this forum I am regretting my decision already. The locked bios and lack of windows support is disappointing; the issues with the screen and gpu issues are devastating. Am I to expect a faulty unit? Should I even bother opening it, or try to return it immediately?
There is conflicting information here and elsewhere about what models are affected by ask these issues. Since I got the 12gig ram jw and not the 8gig best buy jw am I going to be pleasantly surprised Tuesday when my laptop has a nice screen, or are ask the jw models faulty?
In the thread about the horizontal lines a Asus representative said the jw and jh models are indeed faulty and need new lcds ? Or am I misunderstanding? Does this mean I will need to rma my laptop to have the new, functional, installed?
Uhg what a nightmare, I can't afford to be out $1800 CAD and empty handed.
can anyone advise me how to proceed? Have I been had?
I'll post here in this thread a detailed video or the product when it arrives, paying attention to any problems with the display, assuming it's worth opening the box.
06-28-2013 10:46 PM
06-29-2013 09:14 AM
07-02-2013 10:16 PM
07-03-2013 06:50 AM
PPanda wrote:
Windows 8 is actually pretty cool eh?
07-03-2013 07:19 AM
Xbcxbc wrote:
That's a massive overstatement. It's tolerable.
07-04-2013 06:17 AM
Xbcxbc wrote:
That's a massive overstatement. It's tolerable.
10-21-2013 05:47 AM
Unenbatzogsokh wrote:
I buy New G750JW but LCD monitor have flicker lines. How to fix it. Please help me
BobbyCannon wrote:
I absolutely love Windows 8. I'm not sure why anyone wouldn't. Especially anyone power hungry. Windows 8 is the fastest Windows ever release.
11-10-2013 07:32 PM
BobbyCannon wrote:
I absolutely love Windows 8. I'm not sure why anyone wouldn't. Especially anyone power hungry. Windows 8 is the fastest Windows ever release.