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Just bought G750JW-DB71-CA; already regretting it. Help with specific model info pls.

Level 8
Hello Asus and Asus owners,

I recently found myself in the market for a gaming/producing laptop after selling my 2010 imac for cash.

After a few days of grueling comparison shopping I had it narrowed down to either the MSi GT70 2OC or the Asus ROG g750jw.

I bought the g750jw in the end because I assumed Asus would have a better build quality over MSi. Also, the 1 year accidental damage warranty was appealing.

It was supposed to come into the shop today but was held up in shipping and I won't get it now until after Canada Day.

After reading this forum I am regretting my decision already. The locked bios and lack of windows support is disappointing; the issues with the screen and gpu issues are devastating. Am I to expect a faulty unit? Should I even bother opening it, or try to return it immediately?

There is conflicting information here and elsewhere about what models are affected by ask these issues. Since I got the 12gig ram jw and not the 8gig best buy jw am I going to be pleasantly surprised Tuesday when my laptop has a nice screen, or are ask the jw models faulty?

In the thread about the horizontal lines a Asus representative said the jw and jh models are indeed faulty and need new lcds ? Or am I misunderstanding? Does this mean I will need to rma my laptop to have the new, functional, installed?

Uhg what a nightmare, I can't afford to be out $1800 CAD and empty handed.

can anyone advise me how to proceed? Have I been had?

I'll post here in this thread a detailed video or the product when it arrives, paying attention to any problems with the display, assuming it's worth opening the box.


Level 13
Please realize that this is more or less a support forum and it's expected for users to come here posting their issues. It's highly advisable not to base your purchasing decisions solely on a support forum (It's pays to be mindful of course)

There's plenty of end users that are perfectly happy with their units and experience none of the issues that have been raised so far.

It also appears that the majority of the issues have been isolated to the Best Buy models(Which you don't have). There also appears to be a fix by removing the Splendid video utility.

The screen replacement is likely due to supplier. If I had to guess ASUS used their remaining supplies from the G75 models in the current G750. There's no indication that the screens are 'faulty' otherwise the production would have been halted and a recall issue. It's also possible that Best Buy chose a lower quality screen in order to keep their models cost down.

If you do have any trouble at all feel free to post on the forum and we'll get it buttoned down for you.

I hope you enjoy your product and welcome to the ROG community!

PPanda wrote:
Hello Asus and Asus owners,

I recently found myself in the market for a gaming/producing laptop after selling my 2010 imac for cash.

After a few days of grueling comparison shopping I had it narrowed down to either the MSi GT70 2OC or the Asus ROG g750jw.

I bought the g750jw in the end because I assumed Asus would have a better build quality over MSi. Also, the 1 year accidental damage warranty was appealing.

It was supposed to come into the shop today but was held up in shipping and I won't get it now until after Canada Day.

After reading this forum I am regretting my decision already. The locked bios and lack of windows support is disappointing; the issues with the screen and gpu issues are devastating. Am I to expect a faulty unit? Should I even bother opening it, or try to return it immediately?

There is conflicting information here and elsewhere about what models are affected by ask these issues. Since I got the 12gig ram jw and not the 8gig best buy jw am I going to be pleasantly surprised Tuesday when my laptop has a nice screen, or are ask the jw models faulty?

In the thread about the horizontal lines a Asus representative said the jw and jh models are indeed faulty and need new lcds ? Or am I misunderstanding? Does this mean I will need to rma my laptop to have the new, functional, installed?

Uhg what a nightmare, I can't afford to be out $1800 CAD and empty handed.

can anyone advise me how to proceed? Have I been had?

I'll post here in this thread a detailed video or the product when it arrives, paying attention to any problems with the display, assuming it's worth opening the box.

USA ASUS Reseller

Level 8
I have the same G750JW-DB71-CA, bought from NCIX. I've had it for about 4 days now. No issues or whatsoever.

Also do remember that those who have problems will always be louder than those who are happy with their units. Happy ones will hardly post to make sure that the world knows they are happy. Unhappy ones, however, need to vent.

While I find it regrettable that G750 is un-upgradable machine, I eventually chose this one over Lenovo Y510p and MSI Haswell GE60. The build quality was on a different level and I never upgrade CPU and GPU on laptops anyway. I'd rather buy new ones regularly every 3 years or so.

Level 7
I have the G750JW-DB71 (bought in the US). It's not a bad laptop so far but don't expect a pleasant surprise when you get it. The 5400 RPM hard drive kills all performance this - otherwise decent - laptop has.

I maxed out the memory, moved the OS to an SSD and put in a secondary 7200 RPM hard drive - now the machine is great (for my purposes, anyway). It's pretty involved to put in the memory - it should've been a lot simpler, even if the chassis would've been bigger because of that. There's no recovery media so you'll have to keep some kind of backup of the OS partition (I kept the original HDD in a bag).

As a positive, the screen is matte, not glossy. Once I removed the Asus Splendid utility the horizontal line issue was solved and black is proper black now.

Windows 8 is all right so far but you'll have to decide for yourself - I had to do quite a bit of tweaking to get it close to how I like it (and it's not exactly how I'd like it). It's tolerable, though.

So the laptop is decent in my opinion but there are a number of negatives that will all play a role when I buy my next computer.

Thank you all for your responses. I appreciate the input.

Windows 8 is actually pretty cool eh? or maybe i just like learning new tech/software!

Anyways, yeah there is definately something wrong with the LCD on all JW models.

My model, G750JW-DB71-CA, also suffers from yellowish horizontal lines on black screens. Cranking gamma hides he issue but hahave ridiculous gamma settings...

Uninstalling VGA drivers seems to make the issue show up more on dark reds than blacks... weird...

Either way, what a brutal rip off of a screen. I'm looking to get it replaced with a JX/JH model.

PPanda wrote:
Windows 8 is actually pretty cool eh?

That's a massive overstatement. It's tolerable.

Xbcxbc wrote:
That's a massive overstatement. It's tolerable.

Barely tolerable more like it

Xbcxbc wrote:
That's a massive overstatement. It's tolerable.

I absolutely love Windows 8. I'm not sure why anyone wouldn't. Especially anyone power hungry. Windows 8 is the fastest Windows ever release.

Unenbatzogsokh wrote:
I buy New G750JW but LCD monitor have flicker lines. How to fix it. Please help me

Download and install latest Asus Splendid Utility, see if it helps.

BobbyCannon wrote:
I absolutely love Windows 8. I'm not sure why anyone wouldn't. Especially anyone power hungry. Windows 8 is the fastest Windows ever release.

Make it 8.1:)

BobbyCannon wrote:
I absolutely love Windows 8. I'm not sure why anyone wouldn't. Especially anyone power hungry. Windows 8 is the fastest Windows ever release.

You must have not used Win 2000. That was the fastest OS.