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Is online gaming dead on PC???

Level 7
Im nervous now, seems like the multiplayer is just not there for PC. Dont see a point of having a $1600 computer that has no use because the only games found have 3 people in them if I even find a game.

Level 11
What games are you playing? You sound crazy hahaha PC on-line gaming is alive and well, just take a look at the stats on Steam the numbers are astounding. That is just one community of players. Not to mention the genres of games that don't exist (in any proper way) on consoles. PC gaming is where it really kicked off and where it still is for the most part.

Honestly this gen of consoles is so underwhelming after the long wait I gave them all a pass save for the Wii U for the local multiplayer awesomeness and first party games.

It is also far more economical to do PC gaming in the long run as there are crazy deals all the time from different places. Think a few year old titles for less than $1 a pop it is crazy I have a huge back catalog of games I still need to play so I rarely buy new and just keep an eye out for sales when they pop up. I have nearly 100 AAA titles with far far less than +5000USD put into them.

Level 10
Short answer:

In fact I mostly play online games at the moment. The Free2Play genre particularly has nice entires - World of Warships/Tanks, Armored Warfare, MechWarrior Online, PlanetSide 2 for action games and a billion decent Free2Play (I hate this term after all these years, though) MMOs like Star Trek Online and Star Wars: The Old Republic. Yeah, some of them are just...not as good as they were meant to be but ... eh, people still play them. There's EVE Online and World of Warcraft etc. as well.

Level 7
The biggest multiplayer games are on PC.

Level 10
Hard to tell if this is a troll or not...

The biggest online game communities are on PC - by a long shot.

Level 7
I tried crysis, battle field 4, advance warefare

Crysis 3- 3 person game
Battle field 4- actually alot of people but it kept kicking me, said punkbuster has kicked you
Advanced warefare- no games found. After more research this seems to be a common issue

Sorry not trying to start anything, I have been out of PC gaming since the original call of duty, haven't played PC online since the original x box was released.

What games would you recommend? Im not into stuff like world of warscraft, mostly racing and FPS. Like hunting games as well. thanks

Also what am I doing wrong that i cant find anything or even play advanced warfare and battle field?

sawtoothscream wrote:
I tried crysis, battle field 4, advance warefare

Crysis 3- 3 person game
Battle field 4- actually alot of people but it kept kicking me, said punkbuster has kicked you
Advanced warefare- no games found. After more research this seems to be a common issue

Sorry not trying to start anything, I have been out of PC gaming since the original call of duty, haven't played PC online since the original x box was released.

What games would you recommend? Im not into stuff like world of warscraft, mostly racing and FPS. Like hunting games as well. thanks

Also what am I doing wrong that i cant find anything or even play advanced warfare and battle field?

Advanced Warfare is dead for a reason. The lag was unbearable and there are much better games out there.. Halo Online in a modded state has more players than on Advanced Warfare. Simply because it works as intended. Crysis 3 is dead because it's dead. Crysis multiplayer never seemed to catch on. Battlefield 4 is very active, and punkbuster can be a pain sometimes, but once you get it working it's great.

ruinairas wrote:
Advanced Warfare is dead for a reason. The lag was unbearable and there are much better games out there.. Halo Online in a modded state has more players than on Advanced Warfare. Simply because it works as intended. Crysis 3 is dead because it's dead. Crysis multiplayer never seemed to catch on. Battlefield 4 is very active, and punkbuster can be a pain sometimes, but once you get it working it's great.

Loving battle field, have no issues thus far and almost every game has at least 20 players each team. Just playing that and counter strike now until I find out what else is worth getting. To bad about COD, black ops II multiplayer is good on x box.

Level 11
Two older EA games and an activision game, that is probably your issue. EA has a habit of killing off on-line play on older titles I don't know exactly what is going on with those specifically though and a quick google search shows that the Activision title is currently plagued with on-line issue.

Just back luck / timing.

As a general rule I don't buy anything published by EA I think they are about as evil as it gets when it comes to game publishers.

Level 7
I agree with the OP. This is a legitimate question. Some expensive games are very hard to play online. CALL OF DUTY is the perfect example. I am also waiting for Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon and I expect to have a lots of empty space on the servers.

It used to be fun when we could host our own servers, chose specific game play, specific equipment and police them against hackers. There was an active community. Now, we are ruled by corporate servers, that we cannot customized, we cannot create our own maps.

The gaming community is now playing free games on Steam, with less pixel quality, but far more flexible than big titles. I am not one of them. I can afford 2 or 3 big title par year. I'm just alone playing them...