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Intel 7260AC terrible wireless speeds... anyone else having problems?

Level 7
So, we all know that this wireless adapter has real potential problems, the internet is full of horror stories from people about this card.

I did tests today and am consistently getting download speeds of 30Mbps (out of a possible 125Mbps sustained speed, which I get when wired). My crappy Aetheros adapter in my old Acer PC gets 100Mbps sustained download speeds on 5ghz Wireless N, so it is clear that this wireless card is dramatically and horrendously underperforming. My laptop is placed around 4m from my router in the same room, with little to no interference from anything else, so conditions are ideal.

I have tried multiple channels and settings on my router, and tonight will further experiment with the driver-level power saving features etc to see if something is wrong with the software settings on the ASUS itself.

I heard another guy on another forum telling me to try "multiple versions of drivers until you find one that works better", but for me that 's too random.

So, how are you guys doing with your Intel 7260AC cards? Did you have issues? Any tips solutions you used to solve them? 😄



UPDATE 20.11.2014


Before I left home for work I Googled someone with a similar issue and managed to fix my initial throughput problems.

The solution was this...

Basically on your router you need to "Enable WMM (Wi-Fi multimedia) settings" in the QoS section on your router settings (mine is Netgear 6300, maybe yours is in a different place).

I now get the full internet connection speed that my Wireless N-equipped laptop gets!

However, what I have not tested yet is if I will get through Wireless AC throughput between my router and my laptop, or if the Intel settings page now states that I am connecting at AC speeds.

However, this is already a BIG improvement! 😄

PS: Please note that this an issue specific to this Intel chipset... all my other laptop WLAN cards are 100% fine without this setting enabled...

Cédric wrote:
It looks like there isn't such area like this, i checked all area i could.

Cédric, refresh the page, and re-read my posts, I edited and added more info.

I think your router only supports a single 20mhz Narrow Channel, so 150mbps is the maximum connection speed.

I posted a link to newer Sagem DSL Gateway routers, and you could get the 802.11ac model, but it would only help LAN transfer speeds, as your DSL Download/Upload speed is such that 802.11b/g would be enough, 802.11n is way faster than your internet runs.

F@st 5350/F@st 5350AC

I would talk with your Internet Service provider and see if you can get a better router/Wifi solution through them - did they provide the router as part of the connection? Tell them you need faster Wifi, full 802.11n and 802.11ac if you want faster LAN transfers - and maybe they offer faster DSL too.

Have fun 🙂

Thank you for advice, i'll try to contact them and we'll see what they'll say.

Cédric wrote:
Thank you for advice, i'll try to contact them and we'll see what they'll say.

Cédric, while you have them on the phone, you might debug the slow internet performance you have been seeing first, before talking about Wifi.

Debug the internet speed first with Ethernet, remove the Wifi from the equation, and only work on getting the internet speed up with Ethernet.

After you are happy with your DL/UL internet speeds with Ethernet, then talk to them about getting a better router to support Wide 40mhz 802.11n 300mbps connection. Or, even better an 802.11ac router with faster internet speeds.