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How to recover Windows 8

Level 7
Hi guys

I have problem to recover windows 8.

When my g75vw was new i installed windows 8 and made a clean copy to a extern hdd from recovery partition. I just made a copy/paste. Then i installed some widnows 7 but now i want to install my original win8.
When i installed windows 7 my recovery win8 partition dissapeard from computer and now when i putt my extern hdd with windos 8 recovery i start with the windows 8 loggo and click on recover my system and after that i receive a information that some files are missing and i can not install widnows.

Please help me how to recover my windows 8

Level 13
hi @Fixon, how did you do your 'copy/paste' of w8 clean copy? what exactly did you back up from your recovery partition to your external hdd? from what i've read, the recovery partition should be inaccessible via windows / file explorer.

worst comes to worst, i suggest you do a clean install of w8. it's much easier to do that.


It is actually one friend who has copied the windows to externall hdd. Im not shore how. When i plugg in externall hdd its called recovery and when i oppen it there is a few folders such as "data". Its look like when you oppen one windows installation cd with right click.
I would install win 8 but the problem is that now is my win 8 on externall hdd and i doesnt work 😕

Level 13
oh if that's the case i think it's better to ask your friend about this, i.e. how you can recover w8 from that external hdd.

I talk to him. When windows 8 was installed there was a questiom if user would like to burn recovery dvd or to safe recocery om externall hdd.
I think that the problem is when new win 7 was installed, a recocery partition with win 8 is deleted.

My external hhd is called recovery. When i open it it consist:
Files: Bootmgr, bootmgr.efi, ragent

Level 13
that sounded like the layout of a recovery partition. you're probably right, the hidden partition that actually stored the installation .wim file might be deleted during the w7 installation process. can you check through disk management if there is a (hidden/inaccessible) recovery / restore partition in your stock hdd? if it's not there, then imo you cannot do anything useful with that external hdd.

No, its not there 😕 So there is no other plausibility such as download w8 and write in some code i got with computer

Level 13
that's too bad. however, if you don't mind you can always grab an untouched copy of w8 ISO from the Internet and starts from there.

Thank you for your replies.
What do you mean by an utouched copy of w8? i.e. from piratebuy for example?