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Great sound quality

Level 7
So has anyone tried the new sound card that's on this thing yet? My headphones sound great the speakers don't do the card justice. In Metro last light can here all the creepy spiders monster behind me. Post if you got some games that take advantage of the sound card on here like Deadspace or something.

Level 12
chri5d3an wrote:
So I have to warn anyone trying to "upgrade" to this POS. Simply don't. I had the g75vx and it ran circles around this laptop I love hawken and this laptop freaking lags on the menu let alone the 9 fps I get in the game on all low settings while the g75vx I had physics on and graphics on high. Thanks a lot asus for pinching out a POS lower power consumption abortion now I have to go offshore and be gameless because best buy here didn't have this till last minute.

I was really counting on you... you let me down... guess I'm going to get msi from now on.

PS tried to overclock ram using msi afterburner wont let me when I hit apply just sends it back to stock

Metro??? Wait a sec here. Two days ago, you were getting 10fps is some 3 year old game... What happened? You've fixed your performance somehow? Make sense please.

Level 7
Hawken isn't 3 years old XD its is still in beta. But yeah there was a number of thing i had to work on before i got it to work right. And man when i spend 1350 on a new machine i don't want to have to fix it.

look my hard disk, ram and gpu where giving me crap. Asus splinded was giving me errors and it took a few days to deal with them all. I work offshore on a rig right now so i am petty frustrated i work 13 hours a day and with what little time i had before bed i like to game. I don't like spending it on fixing things. So try to understand, if your laptop is buggy still then try these steps

Get a new disk drive. My disk drive was not very good according to crystaldiskmark.

If you got the BB model the ram is not so hot. This is common the best buy GM here told me they do this all the time.

There is an update on ASUS website for the gpu drivers didn't fix the crashing but frames are much better.

Remove splendid Marshal@asus even said to until they find a fix.

Please in the future keep threads on topic.

ps afterburner works right after new drivers.