hi to everyone! so i have this problem and i dont manage to resolve it
so i was using windows 7 ultimate and everything was working perfectly and then one day it came through my mind this beautiful idea to update to windows 8.1 so i did it and from that moment almost every game has this shuttering problem,it freeze for one secund after hitting 60°c and it does over and over after 5-10 seconds..my tempretures are my normal like before updating to 8.1 gpu 85 and cpu 80-86
after the windows 8.1 instalation ive updated my gtx 460m from nvidia.com to the latest driver advailible 332.21(i dont remember what drivers version i was using before my w8.1 installation)
so i was thinking that it was some king of incompatibility issue with my laptop(i dont found w8.1 drivers for my g53jw so ive installed windows 7 x64 one)
after i seen this ive installed again windows 7 and it still does the seame thing it freezes(i am sure that previously i was able to play fifa 14 with no such fps drop)
from that moment ive try all kinds of things like bios update,older drivers,newer beta drivers(all installed on a new fresh windows-and all uninstalled crectly from safe mode even with DDU) nothing seems to help
ive installed windows 7 several times trying to eliminate the problem,ive try to instal manufacturer drivers with are 2xx.xx after a clean windows install,ive try even to install just the gpu driver and hothing else(of corse directx.ecc)
ive tested 4 games black flag,absolution,fifa14,crysis 3 black flag and absolution seems to work but crysis 3 it freeze even at the introduction cutscen and fifa 14 it is unplayable (and i am sure that preveuslly fifa 14 worked pretty well)
i seen msi afterburner a gpu load drop to 0 that is corelated to the freeze
ive try throttlestop but im not sure how to opereate with it ive search tutorials and ive run it but it seems that it does not do anything
now i run windows 7 with just the gpu driver
i am curious if someone is encountering the seame problem like me
when ive search from geforce forums ive seen a lot of people with very very similary problems
i dont know what do do anymore
i need some help!
gtx 460m
i forget to mention that i run prime95 and a video card stability simultaneously for an hour and it seems to handle it,no freeze no bsod nothing gpu maxed at 85° and one of the cores 86° but the other 3 82-84