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Getting no support from Asus

Level 7
Hi there,

I was quiet happy with the G751-JT until I switched one option in the bios. It didn't boot any more and stopped with ASUS Rog Logo.

As this pretty peace of design is not designed to be opened by the customer, I gave it back to the seller. I had to wait 3 weeks for getting back my notebook with scratches and a downgrade of the maindboard.
The M2 slot is missing now, as I discovered when I just wanted to order a M2 SSD and I took a final look at the interface.. I'm not sure, but maybe it's an older mainboard from former series?!?

After repair all my usb devices are making troubles, which were working fine before.

I'm not able from 5 different devices with different OS (Linux, Windows, Android, MacOS) to submitt a ticket. Even I filled out all necessary fields I get the message: Input required

The german ASUS Support can only say things like: Oh how strange. I'm soooo sorry about that. But they don't have any compentence to help.

So my experience is the worst of all support services I ever had. Letting customer allone with his problems and giving no hint and no help.

For my question I initially can it be to get a downgrade, when system was has to be the same quality as the defective part, that's law here in Germany.

I'm going to take this as a very bad experiance and I will never buy something of ASUS aganin.

It's a shame, because the notebook wasn't bad at all.

Or has anybody a good idea for me?


even if I'm totally lost with such problems I found the solution for the ticket problem by myself. This message appears because it want's to tell us, that I should complete my lastname in my profile. In this support form it's not requested. Oh dear!


Level 7
One more litte update: Asus support is not allowed to give me any information about the repair because of contracts between the reseller and them. The reseller is one of the biggest in Germany and they don't know anything about that. They say I have to ask asus. So I'm back here to tell all, that it is better not to have any trouble and better not let repair their Asus Notebooks, because they can get a downgrade to their hardware and they won't get any information about that. I'm going to keep this little post alive by posting some more details in the next weeks...

have fun


Level 7
Can't you return it to the seller and get a replacement? Same thing happened to me, sent mine in for repair and when it was returned, it was full of scratches, the monitor wire was showing and the problem wasn't really solved. Fortunately, the seller agreed to send me a replacement as there was no way I was going to send it for repair again.

Hi acr08,

that's exactly what I'm going to do. The last time it has cost me 3 weeks waiting for it. After repair I also got the bigger problems with my usb devices. I don't know if it came from a higher bios or also from this other board type or revision.
I already asked how to proceed. Hope they get a faster solution for me.



Level 7

I got it back last Friday. So another 3 weeks have passed with no Asus Notebook.

Most scratches have gone. Instead of sending me a new one they changed some parts of the chassis. Old scratches are gone and there's now one new particularly ugly scratch on the monitor case.
Board has been changed. Couldn't find something bad with it. Until now I didn't check out if my M2 Sata is working, because I first wanted to see how it works now.

The M2 slot is grey now instead of white like at the former board. I hope not to have any disadvantages with this colour. I will keep you informed later on.

The 2nd Time I got a new touchpad (seems to be a standard procedure).

So it seems to be all like it should have been after the 1rst repair.




just to explain, why I was so upset, I give you some more info.

With the last maindboard from repair, some of my USB devices were not working any more. Before it was just

a question, to find the correct order and then all devices were working without any disconnects or faults. I

do not really understand why the timeout behavior of the different ports seems to be different (I thing

that's the interstitially problem here, could be caused by insufficient power).

The current board has now the older Firmware (205). Maybe this has also caused the worse behavior. But

now, I can get all devices working.

Left side:

- at the first port from the view side one USB hub with Razer mouse and Game-pad
- at same side ICY Box with 2 WD Sata 2 Discs (has it's own psu)
- right side in every port one WD disc (one older 500GB and one 4TB Mybook)

After 2 hours no single fault. If I mix up the discs to ofter ports, some are not working any more.

I still didn't test the M2 disc jet, but I'm hopefully that the slot has still X4 and pcie 3.0.

So I will come back one more time.

best regards


Level 9
Asus Germany = Schweinhunds?

Zombievac wrote:
Asus Germany = Schweinhunds?

jawohl so sieht das hier land der sprache wo alles auf kommunikation basiert wird mehr zerredet als getan!
i wrote on facebookpage from rog germany but no one interested for that. i wrote to support germany but no answer... asus must check prioritiy before they write me back...

Level 10
Sorry about your luck, I'm in the same boat. No support, no acknowledgement of a problem, and no resolutions.
To add insult to injury they damaged my laptop at their facility and it's a been insane trying to get it fixed.

I still have yet to get a response to my first ticket, or the fact that it was ignored!

Level 7

I tested the M2 Slot in installing a SM951. Doesn't work. I had a bad feeling as I saw the grey slot of the M2. Now I know why:
It's a fake. The Samsung SM951 is now running in my new PC. I'm going to sell the G751 and take it as a horrible experience with ASUS Notebooks.

I just wonder why I was so successful in selling self built pcs (more than 100 of them) with ASUS Mainboards. I've never had trouble with them.

But I never did an RMA with them, that seems to be the big difference.

