I have the razer magalodon headset, and it's fantastic, it's super lightweight, has what is apparently a good microphone, from what people on TS have said, they are USB, however unless windows updated the drivers to support it, you will need a usb 2.0 hub to use them on usb 3.0 ports.
They have virtual surround sound, however I never use it, the times I have tried, it sounds off and weird, but probably because the games didn't output surround sound, look up some reviews if you want to hear more on that front.
The pod to control the volume is fantastic, you can adjust microphone sensitivity, volume, and it allows you to adjust the volume of each set of "Speakers" individually in surround sound mode, in 2.0 you can adjust the main volume and the bass level, and then adjust both together once you have it just right.
It's great because you can swap from teamspeak to in game audio chat, or just adjust your mic on the fly in fullscreen games if someone can't hear you or if it is too loud, instead of having to mess with settings.
It can also function as a visualizer which is pretty cool lol