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G771JW old laptop problems with modded bios and keyboard backlight

Level 7


I just got me this old '15 G771JW and thought it would be easy job to mod bios to have nvme support. As writing this now, my windows is booted from 1Tb nvme and it works fine, with little help of this and other forums earlier posts. (It didn't work like a charm...)

Problems after this new bios, flashed with afuwin are as follows:

1. Can't boot to bios any more, though boot device is by default nvme, not ssd/hd.

2. Keyboard backlight stopped working.

Has somebody had this same problems and possible found a fix? At least I would like to get my keyb backlights on. Bios is secondary... at least for now.

I already tried to mod bioses 211 and 210, originally this had 206 I guess. With the original bios all those problems were absent. But no NVMe...


Level 7

v. 209 tested the same. Maybe something to do with flashing maybe?

Wouldn't want tp reverse back to original bioses due to now working nvme boot.

Level 7

Well, I can't flash original bios now, wrong rom file size.... at least with afuwin. Any suggestion for another flashing software?


Level 7

Update. Got old bios back online, but no more backlights. Also tried several other bios versions with and without nvme support. Still no lights.

Still pondering how to get them back or did I broke something.. this keyboard is so dark that with my eyes it's useless. Maybe some usb keyb would do...