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G75VX doesnt wake up from sleep

Level 7

Not a game-breaking problem but still so annoying. When i close the lid or FN+F1 or just click the power button once, the G75 goes to sleep. No problem.

When i open the lid. the powerbutton and a few leds light up for a second. Then it's all OFF. It doesnt wake up, even if you press something on the keyboard. However if you press the power key it starts up normally full boot.
Like a full restart.

If I make the computer to sleep while lid open (FN + F1) it does like this:

1. Screen blacks out. Fans rev up abit then all the system leds stop glowing.
2. Everything execpt a led is now black, even the power button isn't glowing. But a led with a lightbulb is now flashing.
3. I go ahead and PRESS ALL THE BUTTONS. nothing happens.
4. If i press the power button again. The leds light upp for a split second. Then its blacked out again, and now the lightbulb led isn't flashing anymore.
5. If i press the powerbutton now. It'll boot up like a normal start.

I've tried removing InstantON, Power4Gear Hybrid and then trying. Still does the same. So i installed them again.
Tried updating the drivers for GFX Nvidia. Still nothing. I've got no idea however whats causing this.
It seems to be like its owner and has a hard time to wake up.

Any Ideas?


Dreamonic wrote:
Then it's probably a software hang or driver issue related in Windows 8 and your system.

My guess it could be something like a USB driver to the ATK-package/KB driver to connected devices to changes under "require a password on wakeup" to fast boot conflicts.

Tried to disable require a password. nothing there.

dstrakele wrote:
It sounds like (looks like?) the video driver is not initializing on the Resume from Sleep. Great video of the problem BTW...

1) What version NVIDIA driver are you currently running? Have you tried the latest from the NVIDIA website? I recommend performing a 'clean' NVIDIA install from Windows Safe Mode to ensure your current video driver is completely UNinstalled.

2) Is this behavior similar on Resume from Hibernation?

3) discusses how to troubleshoot a "Resume from Sleep failure" in Windows 7 that you could probably apply to Windows 8.

4) I also like @Clint's suggestion. There have been a lot of strange BIOS issues reported lately. What BIOS version are you currently running?

5) There have also been a couple of threads where it seemed like corruption of the Power Management Profiles had occurred. One user resolved the problem by resetting the power profile to default values, then re configuring. Another just UNinstalled Power4Gear and used Windows power profiles.

1) The latest Asus VGA driver.
2) Ill get back on that.
3) Been there, done that.
4) Bios is X04 version. The one that they say is frm 2013 on the site but actually is september 2012.
5) Tried removing both InstantON and Power4Gear, didn't help.


Level 7
Hi RocketD0G!

You are not alone, I have the same issue - my G75VX will not wake from sleep.


- choosing 'shutdown' from Win8 menu puts it to 'sleep'.
- choosing 'restart' from Win8 makes it 'shutdown'.

My machine was delivered a few days ago and has never worked ok in this respect. I have reinstalled W8, drivers, deleted utilities etc etc.

Still looking for a solution...

Win 8 Pro
750 GB Hybrid (Seagate)
Bios v1.05

saplomb wrote:
Hi RocketD0G!

You are not alone, I have the same issue - my G75VX will not wake from sleep.


- choosing 'shutdown' from Win8 menu puts it to 'sleep'.
- choosing 'restart' from Win8 makes it 'shutdown'.

My machine was delivered a few days ago and has never worked ok in this respect. I have reinstalled W8, drivers, deleted utilities etc etc.

Still looking for a solution...

Win 8 Pro
750 GB Hybrid (Seagate)
Bios v1.05

Mine is going for RMA next week. Support didn't even have a clue what this might be.
But mine also has issues with showing dark content. for example the gray welcome screen on windows 8 it flickers if the screen is not on 100% brightness.


Level 7
I might actually have solved this.

I shut it down. removed the battery and connected the power cable. I held down ctrl + home and started the computer.
Thereafter the computer installed bios 201 and i updated to 204 version from the website. now it seems to work when i enabled hybrid sleep.


Level 14
Did the BIOS flashing resolve your flickering issue at low brightness levels as well?
G74SX-A1 - stock hardware - BIOS 202 - 2nd Monitor VISIO VF551XVT

dstrakele wrote:
Did the BIOS flashing resolve your flickering issue at low brightness levels as well?

Nope, it didn't.

Still having issues with the wake-up. but now it atleast wakes up and doesn't reboot.

when lid is closed it sleeps. but doesn't wake up from opening the lid. you have to press the power button to get it to wake up.
But in bios I have enabled the wake up on lid open.

Quite interesting since it sleeps if I close the lid. But doesn't wake up if I close it.



Updated to BIOS 204.
Installed Power4Gear and InstantOn.

Removed require a password on wake up from power options. (didn't want that. might not be needed to disable.)
and I enabled hybrid sleep.

Bios setup:

Now it wakes up remembering what i was doing before i closed the lid. Next up is to try to get it to wake up just from opening the lid.


Level 7
FWIW my machine was delivered with BIOS 205. This doesn't appear to be available yet from ??

However I still have challenges with wake from sleep as mentioned earlier in this posting...

Level 8
Anyone know how to wake G75VX up from sleep by using any keys on the keyboard or mouse ? like enter or space bar, I usually use an external keyboard/mouse and a 22" lcd monitor so my G75 Lid is always off, I dont want to open the lid and just to press the power button to wake up from sleep, anyone know any solutions ?

Level 7
Hi All !!
anynews about this problem ?!
i have the same problems as saplomb this is very anoying .....
