08:14 AM
- last edited on
10:29 PM
08-12-2015 04:22 PM
08-14-2015 10:57 AM
08-14-2015 03:30 PM
Ruffler wrote:
I've gone to Asus support site for Notebooks to see if ANY Windows 10 drivers are available for the G75VW. So far only WIndows 7 & 8. I checked the more recent ROG Notebooks like the ASUS ROG G751JM and there are Drivers for WIndows 10 x64 and WIndows 8.1 x64. I've emailed ASUS to ask if they will support the G75VW with Windows 10 x64 drivers, especially the VIA HD Audio driver. I've got a sinking feeling that we are going to be in work-around hell from now on as I don't believe they will support the older G series. It's just my gut-feel mind you. I'll hope for the best as I try the work-arounds again.
01-31-2016 04:23 PM
Sentinel wrote:
Apparently I am having a different problem, the sound in the speakers and headphones are working but to a point. The Sub isn't working at all, my model is G75VW-BBK5 and found the only way to get it to work was to download the Codec from VIA but that would run all the sounds. Yes both speakers and headphones would be running at all times and I kind need both to be working properly so I can have some music at work for everyone and at home to myself and not bother anyone in the house.
Chondylon wrote:
Same issue here, (G75VW-RS72), I'm unable to get the sound to work properly on my headphones. The sound goes out on both the speakers and the headphones and after 10 sec or so, it just stops. It will work again if a unplug the headphones though.
I kinda find annoying that I'm not able to keep up to date due to drivers issues, and a sound problem when I mostly use my computer for streaming and video making is sort of a big problem, too...
Hoder wrote:
Thank you! Finally everything - speakers, headphones, HDMI are all working perfectly.
gammite wrote:
thanks. it took years for someone to get this right. i appreciate the help.
paul.bww wrote:
Same problem here. Don't really know which one sucks the most: Asus or Windows...
bugme-not wrote:
The one from Windows update didn't enable 5.1 for me (no surprise). I suspect that the link you have sent that installs the official software would probably work, however that problem with the headphones and speaker being separated still bother me. I went back to my working 600 driver. 🙂 You are not able to get the headphones and speakers together are you? I hate having to go into the panel and manually switch them every time.
Ruffler wrote:
Well at least I got the Sub to work with the new driver. Worked the 5.1 into 2.1 so I have left-right-Sub working now - what a relief! The Headphone - Speaker proglem still exists however. At least I've moved forward enough to possibly keep Win 10 installed for more than half an hour now & try to tweak my way into a stable OS.
kdash2008 wrote:
Yes ! The new driver works flawlessly. The audio issue is over. Thanks for reporting !
atran808 wrote:
I followed your instruction but had same problem as others in this thread, no 5.1 speaker option. After a few uninstall and reinstall trial-and-errors, the 5.1 speaker option suddenly appeared and it was all good after that 🙂
Thanks Bro
nowblank wrote:
what is the problem with new driver explain
Sockendieb wrote:
I installed the windows10 driver from viatec and resolved the newly created problem with headphones thanks to Decee1's thread:
Sebas007 wrote:
ok i have a Asus G75VW and i had issue with my 2.1 speakers. it was a JOKE. i could't figure why it was working super well with window 8.1 and on window 10. the update that they provide didn't do **** and made it WORST.
i looked at some forums and it didnt solve my issue.
VIA Vinyl HD Audio Driver Dated: 19-Aug-2015
Download version V11.10b
OS supported Windows 10 32-bit / 64-bit
Chips supported VIA Vinyl VT1705, VT1708S, VT1802P, VT1802S, VT1828S, and VT2021 HD Audio codecs.
Notes This is a LOGO driver.
This download provides a general sound effects driver with common functions. System manufacturers and motherboard vendors customize audio hardware and software, so to ensure optimal sound quality and compatibility, we strongly recommend you obtain the system-validated and certified audio drivers directly from your system manufacturer or motherboard manufacturer, not from VIA.
don't bother about the chips supported just DOWNLOAD
DarkFox wrote:
Yes, ASUS always casts its customers (stops support) =(
bugme-not wrote:
When I used the Microsoft support tool to hide and show updates, I noticed a VIA HD audio driver update for Win 10 (it said specifically in the description), however it seems to never have installed, and won't show up anywhere else (like the official Windows update area). Strange.
Edit: I am sure all of you would love a screenshot, wouldn't you? 😮
zoram wrote:
for laptops in that price range, it really is a shame.
The sound never was reliable to start with, but that is demonstrating a particular sales philosophy.
I pay top euros to have a machine that is both powerful and durable. If the durable part is artificially removed via programmed obsolescence, kind of make this a silly investment.
We're lucky that it's "just" sound and trackpad that are affected, as far as I know, but I would try to bring my business to a company that offers at least drivers updates threee years on on 1500 + € machines !
Real shame, as I really liked the ROG (appart from ****ty sound). But that and the shoddy after sales support (in France anyway ) ....
Almighty1 wrote: can be downloaded here as well:
rexuzroma wrote:
Good News guys. Via has released the latest Windows 10 driver dated 19-Aug, downloadable from here
Works like magic. Finally the 5.1 working as it should.
bdawwgg wrote:
I cant for the life of me enable it to get the 5.1 or 2.1 to work.
i have the same chipset
HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_1106&DEV_8446&SUBSYS_10431487& REV_1000
It just sounds empty with out the sub-woofer (mini driver) I can handle it but definitely is going two steps back since upgrading to win 10.
Any advice? Ive followed the steps rebooting each time. ive tried the 200, 400, and 600 series drivers and wasnt able to configure 5.1 on any of them.
Platinum wrote:
FINALLY a solution that worked!
Also, i have a possible solution to those experiencing not being able to see the 5.1 option.
When i followed the instructions, it only showed stereo. Now, i also realized i did not have VDeck after i followed the instructions either.
i went into the folder that you had posted to download for the 1400, and there in the main area before even going into any subfolders (aka NOT going into DIFXAPI or VIAHDAud) there is a "Setup.exe". So i ran it....
it opened up a console window and after a while of wondering if it was even doing anything while waiting... it closed all on its own and finished. Sure enough, a VDeck icon was back on my desktop.
I restarted my laptop...
as for the order of what i did next, i can't remember exactly. but i did go back to the sound settings and click configure... and 5.1 was now an option again. i set it to have the 2 front mains, the center, and the subwoofer. everything "full range". i went back to the VDeck icon, went to the file location, and ran it as admin. what do you know... IT OPENED. IT RAN. The program works! you can tweak all the stuff you could right when you got your laptop brand new.
Best part: after you set how "much" bass you want, it scales the mini-woofer volume as you adjust your main volume. just like it is intended.
My laptop is back to original functionality! WITH windows 10.
so thankyou for your great instructions in doing a full clean install. hopefully the extra bit i added helps anyone seeing only stereo as an option.
P.S. if something doesn't show up or work right away, try restarting, then going back to where you were trying to continue. I did restart several times during the ordeal as well.
I noticed that the settings for the equalizer and other stuff didn't really get controlled from the VDeck like before. i had to go into the sound settings (right click speaker icon > playback devices) to actually activate/deactivate the equalizer. Also, when i lowered the "bass", the overall volume got really quiet. So it actually doesn't work with factory fuctionality. However, i can change the volume between the mini-woofer and the two speakers, and adjusting the main volume adjusts both simultaneously still. The quietness can also be adjusted by using the equalizer (raise all frequency gains)
for some reason - even with automatic updates for drivers turned off in the advanced system settings - it randomly updated my driver again. Fortunately all i had to do is roll back the driver and it worked again. If someone knows the reason why it still updated the driver, or has a fix for that, please do share.
dougomac wrote:
I have sound again. Although not completely. I only have the option for stereo sound and only my right speaker is working. I tried both drivers win7 and 8 with no change. I am not computer savy at all and appreciate the fact that I have sound again though
ZoidbergForPresident wrote:
G75VM-1171V here. I'm having trouble with this too. I've followed the instructions (don't forget to prevent Windows update to reupdate, any other option will revert to the first bullet option) and it kinda works. Not sure about the bass stuff but I, too, can't select 2.1, also the microphone doesn't seem to work.
So I'm asking this, are VIA/ASUS looking into this? I'm quite bummed at the lack of support for this from both of them, I had lots of issues even when I was still on win7 (sound switching from headphones through speakers randomly etc). It's too bad because apart from the lousy sound hardware and software, I had been quite happy with that laptop. But as it stands, if and when I change my laptop, I will not go for an asus...
FlowingEdge wrote:
So I tried the setup.exe method that Platinum mentioned. I can confirm that this allowed me to have access to 5.1 surround sound and the subwoofer now is working. After restarting I did some testing with the sound and found my monobass option was back. I tried to change around the bass but the bass wasn't functioning.
After, I tried redoing the update driver from the folder again like in the tutorial; after a restart, my bass can now be controlled and now I have most of my sound quality back. Since I was fiddling with an equalizer as well, I just need to fix the slight muffling and I'll be a happy camper.
ZoidbergForPresident wrote:
OK, I've tried with the Windows 7 drivers I kept as backups for reinstalls (tried to upload them but it doesn't seem to work - also, I've used the setup), unfortunately the sound is, like other people on this thread, really quiet... 😕
Going back to the impractical broken official drivers for Windows 10...
Quasimodem wrote:
I managed to get everything working by following the guide, but now I always have the same volume level no matter what I set it to. Any ideas?
ZoidbergForPresident wrote:
It certainly seems like ASUS is going to do that.
But it's alright in the end: in the meantime I will "work around" the ASUS brand altogether if that happens to be the case. 🙂
08-14-2015 04:33 PM
08-17-2015 09:56 AM
08-17-2015 03:11 PM
Ruffler wrote:
I just received the official reply from ASUS regarding if my G75VW will be fully supported in WIndows 10. This is the answer
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for contacting ASUS Customer Service.
My name is Lijay and it is my pleasure to help you with your problem.
Unfortunately,this model is not in the list which model supports upgrade to windows 10. There are no windows 10 drivers for this model on our support website.Please go back to the previous OS.
If you have any further questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to let us know. We will be more than happy to assist you.
ASUS Support Web: http://support.asus.com
Technical Support: http://vip.asus.com/eservice/techserv.aspx
Complaint or Suggestion: http:/vip.asus.com/eservice/cus_suggest.aspx
Best Regards,
ASUS Product Support Team
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We are now officially out of luck! This is my last ASUS product. I have been a customer for close to 20 years.
08-17-2015 03:45 PM
DarkFox wrote:
Was to be proved. And believe me, in Russian tech support is even worse.
08-17-2015 01:43 PM