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G75VW - VIA AUDIO/WINDOWS 10 WORKING (Updated 01/31/16)

Level 9
UPDATED: 09/04/17 - Creators Update/Anniversary update fixes - Please at least update to Anniversary edition of windows 10 for these fixes to work. Thanks and Cheers.

Windows 10 Creators Update VIA AUDIO FIX

Windows 10 Anniversary Update VIA AUDIO FIX

How to check your current version of Windows 10

Method 1: Hit the windows key and then type "winver" and press enter.

Method 2: Hit the windows key and type "cmd" and press Enter. Now type winver and press enter.

If you see “Version 1703” then the Windows 10 Creators Update is installed on your computer.

If you see “Version 1607” then the Windows 10 Anniversary Update is installed on your computer.

Anything lower than “Version 1607” and you will need to update your Windows 10 to at least the Anniversary Update. We recommend updating to the creator's update.

Anything higher than “Version 1703” you are probably on insiders build of Windows 10. Try the Creators Update fix but we can't guarantee it will work.
181 REPLIES 181

Ruffler wrote:
Hi all.

I asked VIA if they are planning on releasing a Windows 10 driver for the VIA HD Audio chip we are having problems with and this is the prompt reply I received from the marketing department the NEXT day:

As Windows 10 was just recently released, we are waiting for some verifications on our drivers and they will be released very shortly.
Thanks in advance for your patience,

VIA Marketing


They might be blowing smoke, but it does seem encouraging. Fingers crossed.

I own an ASUS G75VW SS71 CBIL. I tried all the excellent tips here, but so far I have been unsuccessful in getting the audio to work as it did in Windows 7 Home Premium x64.

This sounds like a generic response but it's cool that they answered you 🙂 FINGERS CROSSED> THANKS FOR THE INFO BTW>

I have G75VW-TH71, and my audio driver chipset is :

Driver version is (I found that this driver gives superior sound versus

P.S. Couldn't get 5.1 channel to work without actually installing the Win8 driver first (which must've patched something), then uninstalling the driver and going back to the (which has better quality for me, particularly concerning the subwoofer).

Issues with It seems that the subwoofer volume is not in sync with the tweeter volume. I did not verify this, but it seems that the higher the subwoofer, the lower the tweeters (or at least, the tweeters don't really make a difference). This is not a problem with

Ruffler wrote:
Hi all.

I asked VIA if they are planning on releasing a Windows 10 driver for the VIA HD Audio chip we are having problems with and this is the prompt reply I received from the marketing department the NEXT day:

As Windows 10 was just recently released, we are waiting for some verifications on our drivers and they will be released very shortly.
Thanks in advance for your patience,

VIA Marketing


They might be blowing smoke, but it does seem encouraging. Fingers crossed.

I own an ASUS G75VW SS71 CBIL. I tried all the excellent tips here, but so far I have been unsuccessful in getting the audio to work as it did in Windows 7 Home Premium x64.

That would be absolutely amazing! No more dreaded workarounds!

FlowingEdge wrote:
Have been having similar problems to everyone else.
Model: G55VW - DS71
Only stereo shows up. Followed the video until the 5.1 surround sound step. Have tried both win764 and win864 versions of driver.

Hardware IDs after video:

Driver Ver:

Thank you for doing this. Clearly different chip sets.

Yours: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_1106&DEV_8446&SUBSYS_10431C13& REV_1000
Mine: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_1106&DEV_8446&SUBSYS_10431487&REV_1000

Level 7
I cant for the life of me enable it to get the 5.1 or 2.1 to work.
i have the same chipset
HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_1106&DEV_8446&SUBSYS_10431487& REV_1000

It just sounds empty with out the sub-woofer (mini driver) I can handle it but definitely is going two steps back since upgrading to win 10.
Any advice? Ive followed the steps rebooting each time. ive tried the 200, 400, and 600 series drivers and wasnt able to configure 5.1 on any of them.

Level 7
FINALLY a solution that worked!

Also, i have a possible solution to those experiencing not being able to see the 5.1 option.

When i followed the instructions, it only showed stereo. Now, i also realized i did not have VDeck after i followed the instructions either.
i went into the folder that you had posted to download for the 1400, and there in the main area before even going into any subfolders (aka NOT going into DIFXAPI or VIAHDAud) there is a "Setup.exe". So i ran it....
it opened up a console window and after a while of wondering if it was even doing anything while waiting... it closed all on its own and finished. Sure enough, a VDeck icon was back on my desktop.
I restarted my laptop...
as for the order of what i did next, i can't remember exactly. but i did go back to the sound settings and click configure... and 5.1 was now an option again. i set it to have the 2 front mains, the center, and the subwoofer. everything "full range". i went back to the VDeck icon, went to the file location, and ran it as admin. what do you know... IT OPENED. IT RAN. The program works! you can tweak all the stuff you could right when you got your laptop brand new.
Best part: after you set how "much" bass you want, it scales the mini-woofer volume as you adjust your main volume. just like it is intended.

My laptop is back to original functionality! WITH windows 10.

so thankyou for your great instructions in doing a full clean install. hopefully the extra bit i added helps anyone seeing only stereo as an option.

P.S. if something doesn't show up or work right away, try restarting, then going back to where you were trying to continue. I did restart several times during the ordeal as well.

I noticed that the settings for the equalizer and other stuff didn't really get controlled from the VDeck like before. i had to go into the sound settings (right click speaker icon > playback devices) to actually activate/deactivate the equalizer. Also, when i lowered the "bass", the overall volume got really quiet. So it actually doesn't work with factory fuctionality. However, i can change the volume between the mini-woofer and the two speakers, and adjusting the main volume adjusts both simultaneously still. The quietness can also be adjusted by using the equalizer (raise all frequency gains)

for some reason - even with automatic updates for drivers turned off in the advanced system settings - it randomly updated my driver again. Fortunately all i had to do is roll back the driver and it worked again. If someone knows the reason why it still updated the driver, or has a fix for that, please do share.

Level 7
I have sound again. Although not completely. I only have the option for stereo sound and only my right speaker is working. I tried both drivers win7 and 8 with no change. I am not computer savy at all and appreciate the fact that I have sound again though

Level 7

G75VM-1171V here. I'm having trouble with this too. I've followed the instructions (don't forget to prevent Windows update to reupdate, any other option will revert to the first bullet option) and it kinda works. Not sure about the bass stuff but I, too, can't select 2.1, also the microphone doesn't seem to work.

So I'm asking this, are VIA/ASUS looking into this? I'm quite bummed at the lack of support for this from both of them, I had lots of issues even when I was still on win7 (sound switching from headphones through speakers randomly etc). It's too bad because apart from the lousy sound hardware and software, I had been quite happy with that laptop. But as it stands, if and when I change my laptop, I will not go for an asus...

ZoidbergForPresident wrote:

OK, I've tried with the Windows 7 drivers I kept as backups for reinstalls (tried to upload them but it doesn't seem to work - also, I've used the setup), unfortunately the sound is, like other people on this thread, really quiet... 😕

Going back to the impractical broken official drivers for Windows 10...

Level 7
So I tried the setup.exe method that Platinum mentioned. I can confirm that this allowed me to have access to 5.1 surround sound and the subwoofer now is working. After restarting I did some testing with the sound and found my monobass option was back. I tried to change around the bass but the bass wasn't functioning.

After, I tried redoing the update driver from the folder again like in the tutorial; after a restart, my bass can now be controlled and now I have most of my sound quality back. Since I was fiddling with an equalizer as well, I just need to fix the slight muffling and I'll be a happy camper.

Level 10
I managed to get everything working by following the guide, but now I always have the same volume level no matter what I set it to. Any ideas?
G75VW-DS73-3D | 670m 3GB | 32GB RAM | 1TB RAID-0 2 x 830 512GB SSD DualBoot | Killer-N 1103 WiFi