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G75VW Dead After Screen Replacement

Level 7
Hi all,
I'm hoping to get some experts' attention here.
Today I replaced the screen of my G75VW DS71 laptop. (The original screen have some vertical lines on it, so I planned to replace it)

I bought the replacement screen online (from Screencountry). The screen is also the exact same model as my original screen.
I did the replacement process as in this video (
When I switched it on, it was fine. The replacement screen worked and there was no longer any vertical lines on the screen.
So I switched it off and complete the assembly.

4 hours later I switched it back on. This time I browsed around my files while listening to some music.
And after around 20 minutes, it happened. The screen suddenly went black and the music stoped abruptly.
I checked around and see that the power button was still glowing. The LED indicators in front were also still glowing.
I tried to hold the power button to force a power off but the LED lights were still on. So I pulled out the battery (and of course all lights went out).
I waited for a minute then I tried to switch it on without battery. But only the LED indicators light up. Screen stays black and I don't even hear any noise (which usually happen during start up).

What happened here? I guess the motherboard is screwed?
Is this related to the screen replacement?
How much will it cost me to repair/replace the motherboard? (If it costs too much, I might as well consider to buy new laptop)
Please help me on what I can do here? (I'm quite desperate now...)

Thanks in advance!

I would open everything back up and make sure all of the connections are fully seated and that nothing is pinched. It could be that when you reassembled things one of the cables got pulled or pinched.
A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station…

Yes I wouldn't say the Motherboard yet, unless you're really unlucky. If you just replaced the screen then it's most likely a bad connection as Theomist says. 'If it looks like a Duck, and sounds like a Duck, it's most likely a Duck'.

No idea what relevance a duck has here lol.

Thanks for the quick reply guys.

Btw, when I replaced the monitor, I only opened the monitor's bracket (not a complete disassembly).
So, I tried to open it up again.
I checked the cables (unplug/replug), nothing seems to be wrong.
Then I tried to switch it on without the brackets... Still same result, no sound & black screen.
I even swapped the monitor to the old one, and still get the same result.

After that I tried to look underneath. When I power it on, the HDD makes some soft running noise (normal noise, not those weird creaking noise). But both the fans don't turn.
What weirded me out is : you cannot power it off by holding on the power button (I tried holding it for 20 seconds). I have to resort to pulling the power cord (or battery).
If I plug-in the battery, the 'battery-charging' LED indicator does turn red. Two other LEDs are on (I assume power & numlock).
Pressing capslock does not change anything.

Game over? I'm feeling really down right now.
How much will the repair cost me? (Any assumption?)
Anything else I could do?
Has anyone experienced this before? (Especially with power button not responding to forced shutdown)

Thanks again...

Sorry to hear that Xenos, sounds like you've got a few problems with looses connections/ fuses; way beyond my expertise.

Gotta bite the bullet and take it somewhere. I'd avoid Asus if it's out of guarantee. Most places offer a free diagniostic. Have you had it long?

I got a brand new machine and the nightmare I had just upgrading Windows 10 Home to Pro was an absolute farce. I had to take Hard-Drives out and all sorts on a brand new machine; got incorrect advice from an arrogant advisor at Asus stating that the licenses were assigned to the motherboard upon signing in for the first time with Microsoft and if I didn't sign in I lost my Windows 10 Home License - INCORRECT; I still had my Home license.

Sorry I'm digressing, you could take it apart and risk it but might not be worth it. It may just be a connection issue, I'd take it somewhere though. At a guess I would say £150 - 300 ish?

Is there any chance you may have possibly caused static shock to something? You said it wasn't a complete disassembly, so I don't know how much access you had to components on the mainboard or not. It's possible that either something that was electrically wrong with the screen or cable (possibly a faulty or counterfeit component) caused a MOSFET or other component to blow on the mainboard, or it could be something totally completely unrelated, but just happened to fail because of bad luck. And bad luck sucks but it does happen.

Probably Khenglish over on notebookreview would be the only person who would have enough experience at fixing this, if a component is blown. But this is not going to be fixable by anyone without extensive experience. You can "try" hard flashing a laptop Bios backup with a SPI programmer (Skypro or Skypro II, Pomona 5250 IC clip, male to female cables for connecting the clip to the flasher (like these: ) and a 1.8v adapter (this is needed for flashing dead video cards or stuff like TDP modding; you won't need this with a motherboard Bios however). But I highly doubt this is bios corruption, plus this will still cost money and inconvenience.

Level 7
Hey, thanks for the help Falkentyne.

I've decided to bring my G75VW to Asus service center (in Singapore) next week. It's too risky to try everything by myself. Anyone had experience with Asus in Singapore?
Anything I need to prepare? I removed both hdd (left only one bracket inside) and both the fan filters (just to reduce the chance of them missing while being repaired).

Beside hardware issues, I'm also concerned about my software. If the motherboard needed to be changed, will I lose all of my software license? (Windows, anti-virus and even steam games?) I heard Windows' key is tied to the motherboard.

Steam games are tied to your Steam account, not the Windows key. If they replace the board they will make sure that Windows is activated.
A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station…

Thanks for the clarification Xeromist. (You replied just before the new year? Well, happy belated new year...!)

I've scheduled to send in my G75VW next Saturday.

I'm staring to think on some 'worst' cases now.
I believe if they replaced the mobo with the same model, I get to keep the content of my previous HDD right? (no need to reinstall everything)

But if they cannot find a replacement mobo, then it cannot be repaired...
Is there any asus laptop that shares the same mobo with G75VW (models that I can still get today).
The idea is I want to avoid doing complete re-install. But I'm still ok with some driver updates...

They may re-image/restore your machine to factory defaults as a troubleshooting option anytime you send your machine in. They won't do it if it's not needed but generally I would recommend saving your files elsewhere just in case.
A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station…