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G752VY Breakdown???

Level 7
Hi, I have the G752VY (980m 8gb, i7-6820hk) I usually play GTA V, Forza 6, etc, when I play these games I used to get 60-75fps at (nearly) max settings, now I'm getting 50fps maximum with lowered settings, can anybody help?

Level 9
Check your temps. Maybe your GPU/CPU is throttling due to high Temps_ A solution would be to redo the thermal paste job that Asus does, They seem to always glob that stuff on there causing bad temps; this is however no easy task, it requires a lot of time and care as you'll be disassembling your laptop. (If you still got warranty don't do it)

If your still under warranty and you see that your temps are above normal; 80C+ during gameplay( I consider 80C+ abnormally high on these laptops during gameplay) They are suppose to have the best cooling out there? I would send it in for Asus to repair (Request they check the thermal paste job)

Other solutions; Update your GPU drivers to the latest one; you'll find it on nvidia's website. Make sure your laptop power settings are set to Balanced or High Performance Under Power Options in control panel; Make sure your Laptop is plugged in to an outlet during gameplay; The laptop will sometimes not perform at its max potential without sufficient power; the battery can't really provide that.

Update your BIOS to the latest version; sometimes they update the fan profiles which helps with temps or some other magic computer stuff;

Goodluck; and report back with any other findings.

httuner wrote:
Check your temps. Maybe your GPU/CPU is throttling due to high Temps_ A solution would be to redo the thermal paste job that Asus does, They seem to always glob that stuff on there causing bad temps; this is however no easy task, it requires a lot of time and care as you'll be disassembling your laptop. (If you still got warranty don't do it)

If your still under warranty and you see that your temps are above normal; 80C+ during gameplay( I consider 80C+ abnormally high on these laptops during gameplay) They are suppose to have the best cooling out there? I would send it in for Asus to repair (Request they check the thermal paste job)

Other solutions; Update your GPU drivers to the latest one; you'll find it on nvidia's website. Make sure your laptop power settings are set to Balanced or High Performance Under Power Options in control panel; Make sure your Laptop is plugged in to an outlet during gameplay; The laptop will sometimes not perform at its max potential without sufficient power; the battery can't really provide that.

Update your BIOS to the latest version; sometimes they update the fan profiles which helps with temps or some other magic computer stuff;

Goodluck; and report back with any other findings.

Thanks for the reply, I've checked my GPU drivers, and my high performance settings and my bios, all of these are correct, but my cpu temp is over 80C (generally85-95), but It had high temps before could this be the problem then?

kemble9900 wrote:
Thanks for the reply, I've checked my GPU drivers, and my high performance settings and my bios, all of these are correct, but my cpu temp is over 80C (generally85-95), but It had high temps before could this be the problem then?

My friend; 85-95C is extremely hot; so you are definitely getting throttling issues;

Go to Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Power Options; (Whatever plan settings you have it on: Its best to be kept on balanced; my recommendations)

Anyways Click; Change plan settings; Change Advance power settings; Scroll down to Processor power management; Min Processor State; Edit those to 0% on both battery and plugged in settings;

Go to Maximum processor state and set both of those to 99%: For some strange reasons that helps with temps for some people; Goodluck; if you still have temp issues; Return the laptop and get a new one; OR you can send it in for Warranty repairs(I don't recommend it; sometimes Asus likes to sit on repairs; 3-4 weeks later you'll get your laptop back and still have the same problem) When will they learn that their thermal paste job sucks;

httuner wrote:
My friend; 85-95C is extremely hot; so you are definitely getting throttling issues;

Or he might have a lot of dust on the vent grilles, if he does play at lot.
Blow the vents with compressed air from air compressor and see how temp are. If you get minimally lower temps you will still need to disassemble the laptop and clean the thick dust cover on the radiators.
If after blowing and disassembling to clean thick dust you still get high temps than it's paste redo job.
I do recommend to blow the fan vents every week if you play games hard on it. I do not recommend to blow the vents if there is thick dust cover, 'cause it might get the fans blocked, than it is fan replacement job 😉

Level 13
it can be a problem if its throttling because of high temps or on battery use.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

JustinThyme wrote:
it can be a problem if its throttling because of high temps or on battery use.
I don't know because I hadn't changed anything and I always use it plugged in.