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G752VT: Help! Cannot Reinstall Windows 10! Ssd 128gb Not Found!

Level 7
Alright, so I was doing a bit of editing around within system32, things I've done before without a hassle so I didn't bother to make a restore point (I can already feel you guys rolling your eyes at me...)

Well, I restarted the computer, and when I got back to the login screen.... Constant flashing of gray and black.

That's fine, go into recovery options from boot, click on fix windows startup.... But it can't fix anything. I try to 'reset' the computer while keeping all of my files... "This drive is locked." I go into BIOS to adjust the settings in every way that would unlock it. Still locked. I give up and go for a full reset... "An error has occurred. No changes have been made."

I tried to completely reinstall windows 10 via my UEFI USB boot, and it can't find the m2 ssd now... But it shows up in my bios.

I took another HDD and installed 10 on there perfectly fine, and then went into disk manager, and the m2 ssd is not showing still. Then I tried Samsung magician. Nothing. Master Partition. Nothing. It's like the thing isn't there at all, the only thing that actually sees the ssd now is the bios, and that is only if I go under the raid list. Yet in the description. It says it is a "Non-Raid Physical Disk".

I don't know what I am missing, I don't know what to do. I'm on the verge of just sending this back and waiting on my replacement, but with school starting back up in 2 weeks, I do not want to take that chance...

Does anyone know what I can do? Because I've been researching for the past 3 hours, switching in and out drives and everything, and I still cannot get it to show up for installation. 😞

Level 7
i am already buying another SSD and i think it will succeed , also Alienware has HM170 Chipset not HM67 .

this is a comparison between the G752 chipset which is CM236 and the Alienware one which is HM170 :,90593

dookooo wrote:
i am already buying another SSD and i think it will succeed , also Alienware has HM170 Chipset not HM67 .

this is a comparison between the G752 chipset which is CM236 and the Alienware one which is HM170 :,90593

Still very different, read the link you provided in its entirety on both the chipset differences and the alienware forum.
Im not trying to base my observations from search engine results. I know precisely squat about Alienware and any success they have had as I dont have one and never will. What I can tell you is that I do have a G752 and have not been able to do it, several other G752 owners have not been able to do it, several that bought the Best buy stripped down model with no SSD with the OS installed on the spinner have not been able to do it.

When you get yours and can conclusively prove that it can be done (not cloning the SSD in the DH72 your said you are getting, thats old news. A full OS install to a spinner then cloning that to an SSD), again please post up how you did it for the use of others. I will be the first to congratulate you on doing what others (including myself) have failed to do.

This machine is not an Alienware so lets please not make comparisons and search engine assumptions on what can and cannot be done between two very different platforms.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

Well , we all start gathering evidence from search engines , and if you don't like them just buy everything you want to try to prove your point to people , and please this is just a discussion to give people useful ideas to help them , you are not the only one who can solve problems , we all have our point of view , if you don't like alienware fine it's ok , but rather than reinventing the wheel we can search for others solution even if it is not related to our specific machine .

Level 13
dookooo wrote:
Well , we all start gathering evidence from search engines , and if you don't like them just buy everything you want to try to prove your point to people , and please this is just a discussion to give people useful ideas to help them , you are not the only one who can solve problems , we all have our point of view , if you don't like alienware fine it's ok , but rather than reinventing the wheel we can search for others solution even if it is not related to our specific machine .

OK so I should look how to replace the pinion gear on a Plymouth posi-trac rear end in a Studebaker manuall?
The firing order on a small block Chevy is 1,8,4,3,6,5,7,2 no research on a Ford site whose small block firing order is 1,8,7,3,6,2,4,5 is going to change that. If I put the plug wires on a Chevy using the ford example guess what? The engine will never start.

There is nothing wrong with researching and saying what you have seen on other models. "Hey, I read a post on the Dell forum and someone posted they were able to clone a spinner to an SSD on a AW 17 R3 and provide a link. That's a huge difference from saying "Actually you can clone the "partitions" from the SATA HDD to the SSD using Macrium Reflect , and it will boot perfectly !" in a discussion about a machine you've never even seen then referencing a different manufacturers machine that you have also never seen when there are plenty of posts here that say differently about the G752. There are two things this machine has in common with the Dell. The skylake processor and Nvidia graphics. Same goes with MSI and several others on the market, not much similar past that.

Point of view has precisely nothing to do with this nor does whether or not I like Alienware. I'm a factual type person and at this point the fact remains that no one has been successful cloning a spinner to an SSD and being able to boot from it on an ASUS G752 series laptop and posted about it here, its actually been the contrary, and fact also remains that the solution for an Alienware with a different chipset and BIOS just for starters will not be the same as it is for this machine. Maybe you will understand once you actually have one in your hands.

I do not now, nor have I ever, been so arrogant to think I'm the only one that can solve problems. I'm an electronics engineer by profession employed by a multi-billion $$ company in the critical power systems field. There is not a data center on the planet that doesnt have at least one piece of our gear in it. I'm very well educated and well versed in electronics with 30+ years experience in the field. First thing I learned long ago is you have to think outside the box and work with others innovating new solutions every day. I'm posting here more now because I'm bored as hell out recovering from a major surgery I had in December. You will see my posting decline in a few weeks. I read here more than I post. Like I said already multiple times, if you manage to clone a spinner on the G752 platform to an SSD then boot from it PLEASE do post up a tutorial on how to do it with screen grabs etc as no one else here has posted about any success. myself included and we would all love to see exactly what it is everyone else missed and it can be incorporated for future use when someone else wanders in and has problems.

Im looking forward to your detailed tutorial! :cool:

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

Level 7
I wish you will recover soon from your surgery , may allah help you .

I am really busy with my PHD thesis so i don't have much time to write 1000 lines of comment .

Abd because we are getting out of the "helping each other" track , For anyone who suffer from this problem should try evey solution in this post and google it eveywhere else . if you failed contact Asus directly

dookooo wrote:
I wish you will recover soon from your surgery , may allah help you .

I am really busy with my PHD thesis so i don't have much time to write 1000 lines of comment .

Abd because we are getting out of the "helping each other" track , For anyone who suffer from this problem should try evey solution in this post and google it eveywhere else . if you failed contact Asus directly

Thanks for the well wishes.

Good luck with your thesis, I know how much of a bear that can be. Last one I did was more than 25 years ago on my second maters, MEng from Tulane.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

Level 13
KenGeo, can you please post up a how to with screenshots instead of I do it all the time. Also be aware this is machine specific. You can do it all the time on the G751s, alienwares and lots of other machines. Just not a CM236 Chipset ASUS G752.

Your install mentioned with an enterprise edition still yeilds the same results that have been mentioned and do not include cloning. You are still installing with the Intel RST drivers from what I read in your post.

Thanks, looking forward to your tutorial.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

JustinThyme wrote:
KenGeo, can you please post up a how to with screenshots instead of I do it all the time. Also be aware this is machine specific. You can do it all the time on the G751s, alienwares and lots of other machines. Just not a CM236 Chipset ASUS G752.

Your install mentioned with an enterprise edition still yeilds the same results that have been mentioned and do not include cloning. You are still installing with the Intel RST drivers from what I read in your post.

Thanks, looking forward to your tutorial.

You cant just create an argument around someone doing screenshots and posting them up. And if they don't, they must be wrong. You have said it to the other guy and now me. i dont have time to do it that way, just to prove I can or cannot do something. I did not try to clone the SSD for the 752, and you may be right, i haven't done it on that specific model to say otherwise.

I was trying to install cleanly, with a disk and USB (tried uefi usb also) with the intel drivers, but it bluescreens. The only way I got it to work, is running setup inside of the OEM OS. Which is still odd to me, because any other machine I do this with, still requires the drivers once it goes into final setup.

Level 13
Thanks for the clarification that you have not cloned a spinner to an M2 NVMe SSD on a G752 with the CM236 chipset.

I cloned disk many times over many years when cloning was in its infancy, just not on this platform. I'm not trying to be difficult, I too would like too see resolution and thus far no one has been successful at cloning a spinner to an M2 NVMe SSD on the CM236 chipset then been able to boot from it. Installs from a disk, USB etc when done properly have been successful.

Your specific issues seems to revolve around the enterprise version of windows you are deploying. Many others, myself included have been successful at a clean UEFI install by installing the Intel IRST drivers during the install process from a USB. Im happy you found a way to get your install completed and have discovered a workaround for those deploying enterprise edition software.

I only ask for pictures and screen grabs as one thing I learned long ago. The unspoken word on tech forums of pictures or it didn't happen goes a long way. Nothing personal to anyone.

What would you say if I said I just cloned my single non raid spinner to 2 M2 512GB NVMe SSDs in a raid 0 array on a G752VY machine and was getting 5GBps sequential reads?

I know what my impression would be, here is a screen shot to prove it.


“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

JustinThyme wrote:
Thanks for the clarification that you have not cloned a spinner to an M2 NVMe SSD on a G752 with the CM236 chipset.

I cloned disk many times over many years when cloning was in its infancy, just not on this platform. I'm not trying to be difficult, I too would like too see resolution and thus far no one has been successful at cloning a spinner to an M2 NVMe SSD on the CM236 chipset then been able to boot from it. Installs from a disk, USB etc when done properly have been successful.

Your specific issues seems to revolve around the enterprise version of windows you are deploying. Many others, myself included have been successful at a clean UEFI install by installing the Intel IRST drivers during the install process from a USB. Im happy you found a way to get your install completed and have discovered a workaround for those deploying enterprise edition software.

I only ask for pictures and screen grabs as one thing I learned long ago. The unspoken word on tech forums of pictures or it didn't happen goes a long way. Nothing personal to anyone.

What would you say if I said I just cloned my single non raid spinner to 2 M2 512GB NVMe SSDs in a raid 0 array on a G752VY machine and was getting 5GBps sequential reads?

I know what my impression would be, here is a screen shot to prove it.


I think its obvious you have been doing this for a while. So you know very well, that computers do things that 1. cant be explained. 2. make absolutely no sense.

So, I find it difficult to agree, that asking for screenshots, or they are wrong is a good practice, unless its completely bogus like your last paragraph.

My whole point of posting though, is to help anyone else with the issue. An issue, that as far as we have come with computing, shouldnt be happening. IMO.

so saving that image..