11-18-2016 12:43 PM
11-25-2016 07:15 AM
11-25-2016 07:30 AM
paradox14 wrote:
I have the problem too. PC purchased in France 2 weeks ago. I contacted ASUS, they are working on the problem. But like you, I find disastrous asus communication. I'm starting to regret not having bought a DELL...
11-25-2016 07:36 AM
11-25-2016 07:46 AM
11-25-2016 08:04 AM
BogdanCiulei wrote:
So I spoke to Asus support from my country today.
Those seem to be a little more enlightened about the problem and told me that the problem is the bios.
Supposedly the good Bios file is G752VS_BIOS.306 , marked "Fix Keyboard issue" , and the one after that has a bug ( even if both ver 306 )
Supposedly there is no keyboard firmware , all is in Bios data.
I couldn't try it yet as I'm at work . Can anyone try to install that and report back ?
11-25-2016 09:36 AM
11-25-2016 10:15 AM
11-25-2016 07:36 AM
11-25-2016 07:46 AM
ropbasuel wrote:
Sorry to say this guys, but it is useless to contact Asus Support Center.
They keep telling me that I have to do a factory restore, using F9 key during startup. I'm just sad that this keyboard "update" didn't messed up F9 key. Would be hilarious to talk with the Support Center then.
I'm getting very upset with all of this. I will contact the store where I bought the laptop and see what options do I have to send them back the computer, get my money back and buy another one, from another brand (not Asus for sure). I do not accept this kind of errors in a 3k$ laptop. Sorry, but it's unacceptable.
Asus Support Center is a joke. A big one.
11-24-2016 09:17 AM