11-18-2016 12:43 PM
11-21-2016 12:48 AM
Quincy wrote:
The Asus Support tells me to create a RMA ...
i've other problems ^^
Lightbars no longer work, speakers make noise sometimes at 0, hardrive "clac" sometimes too
11-21-2016 01:08 AM
11-23-2016 07:42 AM
11-23-2016 11:45 AM
11-23-2016 01:03 PM
11-23-2016 03:34 PM
11-23-2016 03:37 PM
11-23-2016 06:08 PM
11-24-2016 08:28 AM
RandomJSF wrote:
Same issue as everyone else here. Using AutoHotkey as a workaround, but it's not ideal.
Near as I can tell, here's a list of the keys that are out of whack:
F8 (sends PgDn)
PgDn (sends F8)
Pause (sends NumpadEnter)
NumpadEnter (sends Pause)
Numpad0 (sends c)
c (sends Numpad0 when NUMLOCK is ON)
c (sends NumpadInsert when NUMLOCK is OFF, or when NUMLOCK is ON and SHIFT is held))
There's a twist with the c key. As listed above, It seems to think its part of the numpad keys, because if numlock is OFF, c sends NumpadInsert instead of Numpad0. It also does this when SHIFT is held and NUMLOCK is ON.
I'm able to use the below AHK script to work around all the problems... except NumpadInsert. There's no way I can see to conditionally get the physical key of Numpad0/Insert, which currently "thinks" it is c, to send NumpadInsert only when NUMLOCK is on. This is not a big deal for me, as I functionally never toggle Insert, but it does add to the overall WTFness of this botched "Keyboard Adjustment Tool"Numpad0::c
As an aside... The culprit here, as we all know, is a keyboard firmware update disguised as a "Keyboard Adjustment Tool". A tool which we cannot configure, and therefore cannot adjust. Aside from the way it has screwed up our keyboards, it seems awfully odd to call it an "Adjustment Tool" when we can neither access the tool, nor make any adjustments. It fails at adjusting, AND at being a tool. 😐
11-25-2016 07:03 AM