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[G752VS] ASUS Keyboard Adjustment Tool

Level 7

There is a new update : ASUS Keyboard Adjustment Tool
i've tried it, and now my keymap is bugged !

numpad 0 become C and C become 0
numpad enter don't work

Somone could help me?
236 REPLIES 236

Quincy wrote:
The Asus Support tells me to create a RMA ...
i've other problems ^^
Lightbars no longer work, speakers make noise sometimes at 0, hardrive "clac" sometimes too

I don´t understand, What happen with your hardrive?

I only have issue with the keyboard and Lightbars no longer work

About speakers and hardrive,i think it's hardware problems, it's not linked.
Sometimes i hear hardrive make a "tac" or "tic" or "clac" or "clic" (i'm french sorry :p)
And for speakers, it's like an electrical problem, when i push a key, or fn + key, they make a noise even if volume is off, as if they were plugged in / unplugged electrically, i can reproduce it by switching faster volume from 0 to 2 to 0 to 2 to ....

I got my G752VS since a couple of months now and got that firmware upgrade for the keyboard installed today. It was offered through the Asus Update engine (or whathever it's called).

The C key gives me now a 0 (zero) and has been swapped with the 0 on the keypad and my laptop is UNUSABLE be0ause of that. I have to use the onscreen keyboard to have my C keypresses.

Please provide us with a fix ASAP and publish it through your updater..

I don't understand how this even happens... QA testing please?


talked to asus again today about it and they are still working on it..........

So I am in the same boat with the update messing up my c and 0 keys. I have found a workaround until Asus can get the issue fixed.
Install Autohotkey
And create a script with the following


This will remap them back to where they should be. I was able to discover using AHK's key history that the c is sending Numpad0 and Numpad0 is sending c. Also the Enter key on the numpad is sending Pause, this would leave me to believe that other keys are not mapped properly either, but since I don't use those on a regular basis I am not going to worry about it until they become an issue.

The only thing the script does not cover is capitalizing c when shift is held. I can not seem to get that to work yet, so I just hit capslock if I need a capital c. I will post an update if I find a way to get shift c to work.


I am also suffering from this increasingly frustrating error. I update the ASUS Keyboard Adjustment Tool last night and my c key is mapped to num 0 and vice versa. I contacted ASUS support and they got me to roll back two day, no effect. They then wanted me to do a factory reset, I am at work and cannot do that now as I need the notebook. This is seriously inconvenient, I am a very annoyed customer (especially if I need to setup my notebook again!):mad::mad::mad:

Same boat as everyone else here. This is my work 0omputer and I 0ant get anything done properly with this problem. Please 0orre0t this asap.

Same issue as everyone else here. Using AutoHotkey as a workaround, but it's not ideal.

Near as I can tell, here's a list of the keys that are out of whack:

F8 (sends PgDn)
PgDn (sends F8)
Pause (sends NumpadEnter)
NumpadEnter (sends Pause)
Numpad0 (sends c)
c (sends Numpad0 when NUMLOCK is ON)
c (sends NumpadInsert when NUMLOCK is OFF, or when NUMLOCK is ON and SHIFT is held))

There's a twist with the c key. As listed above, It seems to think its part of the numpad keys, because if numlock is OFF, c sends NumpadInsert instead of Numpad0. It also does this when SHIFT is held and NUMLOCK is ON.

I'm able to use the below AHK script to work around all the problems... except NumpadInsert. There's no way I can see to conditionally get the physical key of Numpad0/Insert, which currently "thinks" it is c, to send NumpadInsert only when NUMLOCK is on. This is not a big deal for me, as I functionally never toggle Insert, but it does add to the overall WTFness of this botched "Keyboard Adjustment Tool"


As an aside... The culprit here, as we all know, is a keyboard firmware update disguised as a "Keyboard Adjustment Tool". A tool which we cannot configure, and therefore cannot adjust. Aside from the way it has screwed up our keyboards, it seems awfully odd to call it an "Adjustment Tool" when we can neither access the tool, nor make any adjustments. It fails at adjusting, AND at being a tool. 😐

RandomJSF wrote:
Same issue as everyone else here. Using AutoHotkey as a workaround, but it's not ideal.

Near as I can tell, here's a list of the keys that are out of whack:

F8 (sends PgDn)
PgDn (sends F8)
Pause (sends NumpadEnter)
NumpadEnter (sends Pause)
Numpad0 (sends c)
c (sends Numpad0 when NUMLOCK is ON)
c (sends NumpadInsert when NUMLOCK is OFF, or when NUMLOCK is ON and SHIFT is held))

There's a twist with the c key. As listed above, It seems to think its part of the numpad keys, because if numlock is OFF, c sends NumpadInsert instead of Numpad0. It also does this when SHIFT is held and NUMLOCK is ON.

I'm able to use the below AHK script to work around all the problems... except NumpadInsert. There's no way I can see to conditionally get the physical key of Numpad0/Insert, which currently "thinks" it is c, to send NumpadInsert only when NUMLOCK is on. This is not a big deal for me, as I functionally never toggle Insert, but it does add to the overall WTFness of this botched "Keyboard Adjustment Tool"


As an aside... The culprit here, as we all know, is a keyboard firmware update disguised as a "Keyboard Adjustment Tool". A tool which we cannot configure, and therefore cannot adjust. Aside from the way it has screwed up our keyboards, it seems awfully odd to call it an "Adjustment Tool" when we can neither access the tool, nor make any adjustments. It fails at adjusting, AND at being a tool. 😐

Thank you so much for your work. The AHK script is a great work around. Happy Thanksgiving.

PM Bill@asus also pm Bahz both are employees Bill is our Repair Rep, and Bahz runs the forums
G752VY-DH72 Win 10 Pro
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1 TB Samsung 850 pro 2.5 format
980m GTX 4 GB
32GB DDR 4 Standard RAM

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Windows 10 Pro
Z97 -A
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