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G752 --- New BIOS for VL / VY / VT / VSK / VM / VS (OC) -- XG Station 2 support

Level 7
New BIOS for all the G752 laptops listed below.

Select the one that is for your laptop from the list below.

BIOS 303
Support XG Station 2

This new BIOS can be found on the support / drivers section for your laptop under 'Others' in the OS drop down section. You will see a new download area for the XG Station 2 with a new BIOS for your laptop.
I have included the links here for direct download for each model.




How to flash the BIOS

1/ Use WinZip or 7-Zip to unpack the file

2/ Copy the unpacked file to a USB flash drive (not inside a folder)

3/ Reboot the laptop and press F2 repeatedly until you get to the BIOS and select the Easy BIOS Flash utility
If you end up at Windows Login, repeat step 3, you need to be fast when pressing F2 before the ROG logo comes up.

4/ In the left window there will be a list for drives -- ie F01, F02 F03 or FS0, FS1, FS2 etc.
Select each one until you see the firmware file in the window on the right that you copied to the flash drive.

5/ Once found, select it and press enter and answer yes to flash the new firmware (should take around 30 - 40 seconds).

6/ Go back into BIOS and press F9 to load Defaults and save and exit.

After that, enter bios again to make any changes that you need in the BIOS for your BOOT device (RAID 0 etc).

Thunderbolt Firmware plus new drivers / software, follow the links below.

Thunderbolt 3 Firmware update for G752 VL / VY / VT -- Visit the link below for details on how to update / flash the new Firmware.

Thunderbolt Driver -- Version


I don't know if the BIOS is a cumulative BIOS update, there are no notes (ASUS does not post notes on updates / fixes for some strange reason). I would suggest that you update to the latest BIOS in the BIOS section for your laptop before flashing the BIOS listed above.


New BIOS released for
G752VS: BIOS 310 Intel® Core™ i7 6820HK Processor, Intel® Core™ i7 6700HQ Processor
G752VM: BIOS 306 Intel® Core™ i7 6700HQ Processor
G752VS: BIOS 302 G752VS (7th Gen Intel Core)
G752VSK: BIOS 302 G752VS OC Edition (7th Gen Intel Core)

Visit the support section for your laptop to download the new BIOS, follow the steps above to help find and flash the new BIOS.


If you need to downgrade your BIOS, download the last BIOS before BIOS 30x (ie G752VL 219 BIOS)
Make sure that you have downloaded the correct BIOS for your G752 model before flashing the BIOS

Follow the steps below to flash the older BIOS.

Download Winflash for VL / VT / VY models from the link below
Version 3.1.0

G752 VS / VSK / VSK OC
Download the latest WinFlash for your model from the support section for your laptop.

Uninstall Winflash from the laptop.
Unzip the new Winflash from the link above and install it. (VS models, same applies, install the new version)
Unzip the older BIOS file and place it in the ROOT of C: or on a USB flash drive
Unzip the 302 BIOS (VS models) 303 BIOS (VL / VT / VY models) file and place it in the ROOT of C: or on a USB flash drive (This is so you can re-flash it if needed using the steps above 1 - 6)
Make sure that you have downloaded the correct BIOS for your G752 model before flashing the BIOS

Make sure the power lead is connected to the laptop.

Reboot laptop and log back in.

Right click on Start icon and select Command Prompt (Admin) to run it, answer yes to continue.

Type the following and press enter

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\WinFlash

Type the following and press enter


Look for Winflash.exe

Type the following and press enter

winflash /nodate

Select the option that allows you to select the BIOS from the laptop and not the Web / Internet

Select the old BIOS that should be in the root of C: drive or on the USB flash drive.
Make sure that you have downloaded the correct BIOS for your G752 model before flashing the BIOS

Proceed with the flash, do not touch / turn off laptop while it is flashing the BIOS. Laptop will reboot after the flash has completed.

Go back into BIOS and press F9 to load Defaults and save and exit.

After that, enter bios again to make any changes that you need in the BIOS for your BOOT device (RAID 0 etc).


Added link above in main post for details on how to flash the new Thunderbolt 3 Firmware for the G752 VL / VY / VT models.
Added link above for new Thunderbolt Drivers

GunsAndRozer wrote:
Where is the BIOS for Asus GL502VMK , grrrrr

I take it that your laptop is the ROG GL502VM (7th Gen Intel Core) ?

If so, the new BIOS is 300 released on the 2017/02/09 in the support section for that model.

Today the BIOS 310 update has been released for the g752vs model

Level 7
could you please tell if I can flash directly to 303 ver. from 208 ?

EttoreA wrote:
could you please tell if I can flash directly to 303 ver. from 208 ?

It would be best to flash the latest BIOS before hand that's in the BIOS section for your laptop, then flash 303 from the XG Station 2 section under 'Others' for the OS selection, this way you cover all bets.

EttoreA wrote:
could you please tell if I can flash directly to 303 ver. from 208 ?

All BIOS rom files are 100% and not updating what is there, EPROMs dont work that way. When flashing the bios the old bios is first deleted and all registers set to zeros before the new file is written. No need to perform more than one update unless you just want to see what the difference is if any.

Asd with any bios flash, especially in a laptop, there are risks. Never interupt the flash. On desktop motherboards they have the flash back feature. For a laptop you have to tear it down and use a clip to fix a botched flash.

Bottom line is if you have any doubts and are not having issues or going to run hardware that is addressed with a new BIOS then......If it aint broke....

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

JustinThyme wrote:
All BIOS rom files are 100% and not updating what is there, EPROMs dont work that way. When flashing the bios the old bios is first deleted and all registers set to zeros before the new file is written. No need to perform more than one update unless you just want to see what the difference is if any.

Asd with any bios flash, especially in a laptop, there are risks. Never interupt the flash. On desktop motherboards they have the flash back feature. For a laptop you have to tear it down and use a clip to fix a botched flash.

I agree with you 100% Justin.
Mine was a deliberately insolent question for the same reason 'BoutTime' has already questioned: why on the earth a new BIOS update has been placed in that section ? It looks like ASUS makes its best to complicate simple things sometime.

JustinThyme wrote:

......If it aint broke....

Yeah 🙂


Level 7
Apologize for a question
But this bios 303 is official? Because on the asus site there is nothing about it, but first there are 2 bios now only one of the 213 I speak of the g752vy rogue

Level 7
Yeah, like it is on their website, just under Other section as mentioned.

Faberge wrote:
Yeah, like it is on their website, just under Other section as mentioned.

ahhh sorry its ok

I updated to 303 and the bugs that made a strange sound seem to have disappeared

Level 9
Today I received my, in December ordered, OWC Thunderbolt 3 dock. I wanted this dock for the firewire port, to digitize old Hi8 and Digital8 tapes with my Sony DCR-TRV820E.
I had already upgraded the TB3 firmware (found at the XG2 tab) and now I upgraded to BIOS 303. The dock works as expected. The G752VY runs without problems, so far.