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G752 - Is the Bloatware Bad This Time Around?

Level 8
A lot of us are thinking of getting a G752; myself included. While it's exciting to get a new laptop, one thing I always dread is having to deal with the bloatware.

I did have to remove some cruft from my G73 way back when I bought it in 2011, but it wasn't too bad and indeed, "add/remove programs" (programs and features?) did work well enough to terminate any nagware prompts from "helpfully reminding" me that this or that trial period was ending and it was time to pay up.

So, if you have purchased a G752, please come back here and let the rest of us know if the bloatware situation is mild or dire. Also let us know if you were able to remove unneeded programs and even if you decided to purchase one of the included programs after the trial period. I will recognize that not all bloatware is necessarily bad. Just 99.5% percent of it. 😛
My Current Addiction: Asus G73SW i7

Windows 10 Pro
3TB internal, 5 TB external via USB 3.0
^ I use this system as a mobile DAW, 3D graphic studio, and for other stuff.

Toronto....really? you have that?

Level 7
Banshee wrote:
A lot of us are thinking of getting a G752; myself included. While it's exciting to get a new laptop, one thing I always dread is having to deal with the bloatware.

I did have to remove some cruft from my G73 way back when I bought it in 2011, but it wasn't too bad and indeed, "add/remove programs" (programs and features?) did work well enough to terminate any nagware prompts from "helpfully reminding" me that this or that trial period was ending and it was time to pay up.

So, if you have purchased a G752, please come back here and let the rest of us know if the bloatware situation is mild or dire. Also let us know if you were able to remove unneeded programs and even if you decided to purchase one of the included programs after the trial period. I will recognize that not all bloatware is necessarily bad. Just 99.5% percent of it. 😛

I have my Asus ROG G752VY-RH71 on order...I'll let you know what comes with. I don;t mind easily removable's the spyware I get pissed off about

with Microsoft and google and other large corporations spying on it's customers I don't get why there isn't more of an uproar from consumers about this
It seems that the masses don't care and reminds me of the saying "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Level 13
every software u install these days takes your personal info, some without option to opt out. Then people wonder why their internet connection is spikey. even my lowly printer wants my personal info and how I use printer {HP]. When I travel I use an encrypted satellite connection most spyware by that connection is considered a Trojan and is blocked ,The E.U {European Union} will be taking Microsoft and Google to Court soon over Spying and other US companies Those US corporations will lose any EU court proceedings. They have not won one ever In the EU court . Ill post my eurocom X9 specs soon. only negative about my X9 is battery life that's really no big deal {2 hours maybe 3}. my employer {CBC.CA} has agreed to let me buy a G752 as well for My assignments in other countries. Off To Syria Soon. Enjoy Your G752.
I Learned Today Nov 4 2015 one of My Photographer Friends Died Today in a Village In Syria by an IS {ISIL} suicide bomber .

toronto699 wrote:
every software u install these days takes your personal info, some without option to opt out. Then people wonder why their internet connection is spikey. even my lowly printer wants my personal info and how I use printer {HP]. When I travel I use an encrypted satellite connection most spyware by that connection is considered a Trojan and is blocked ,The E.U {European Union} will be taking Microsoft and Google to Court soon over Spying and other US companies Those US corporations will lose any EU court proceedings. They have not won one ever In the EU court . Ill post my eurocom X9 specs soon. only negative about my X9 is battery life that's really no big deal {2 hours maybe 3}. my employer {CBC.CA} has agreed to let me buy a G752 as well for My assignments in other countries. Off To Syria Soon. Enjoy Your G752.

Jeez Totonto...Syria? be careful and use your laptop as a shield if need be

Banshee wrote:
Not always. Sony + DRM; remember that one? Their rootkit was not removable via a simple uninstall.

The Sony DRM code still runs, just in firmware instead of software. People mod their ODD ROMs to bypass it, read and write any disc they like without dealing with region controls and write-protects, etc - and this is not the sort of forum to discuss such things. I would still call it a rootkit because it's still code which you don't really want/need to run and it still forces itself into your system before the operating system loads.

vore01 wrote:
Jeez Totonto...Syria? be careful and use your laptop as a shield if need be

If any laptop can stop knives, bullets, and frags it'll be a ROG, lol.
"All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others." - Douglas Adams


Level 13
one cannot compare the G752 and the Eurocom X9 the X9 is a desktop replacement , different hardware architecture altogether , plus a few more options like 4HDs Dual Graphic card {SLI} but No DVD BD , motherboard and build are completely different. X9 more upgradable if u buy basic build save your coffee money for upgrades as for the huge price difference u pay for what u get. So Far So Good with the X9 and I installed The Prema V-Bios {mod} wow what I difference but a little bug that will be soon fixed. Ive been to Middle East many times crazy place Syria is nothing but rubble , I feel sorry for the children and women that are left in any city or village rubble is all they have they eat freaking grass or weeds to surive.

Nov 4 2015 one of my Photographer Friends Died today In a Syrian Village by an IS {ISIL} suicide bomber

toronto699 wrote:
Ive been to Middle East many times crazy place Syria is nothing but rubble , I feel sorry for the children and women that are left in any city or village rubble is all they have they eat freaking grass or weeds to surive.

That breaks my heart

Level 13
vore01 My G751 was a wonderful gaming machine few issues , and the G752 will be better , you will be very happy with your choice. remember second thoughts are usually wrong, I have the eurocom X9 not for gaming but other applications for my crazy exciting job.

Level 7
I am debating buying a Eurocom X6 now cause of the delay of the G752VY. I need this laptop in my hands by the 16th no later. Wish I knew for sure if the G752vy's will be available by then or not 😞