03-01-2015 11:44 AM - last edited on 03-06-2024 03:29 AM by ROGBot
03-01-2015 11:56 AM
FitnessRegiment wrote:
The screws are tiny, I managed to get 2 out, the other 2 are now too worn out and aren't coming out. i am located in Glasgow UK.
Any tips on what to do/where to go to get the hard drive taken out?
03-01-2015 12:22 PM
03-01-2015 12:41 PM
FitnessRegiment wrote:
Do you know if there are any service centers I can go to here in Glasgow or do I actually have to ship it? ...
03-02-2015 10:44 AM
03-02-2015 11:49 AM
psygorn wrote:
hi fitessregiment, i had the same problem infact i think i am the 1st person who opened a thred for this issue the problem with the screw is the blue substance arround it its to thick, any way i went to an asus service center where im located the techs their remove the screw then i ask them to replace all the screw they warened me not to use those screw or any screws like that because they came with extras, any way just go to an official asus cervice center they will remove it for you but be warned your mileage may vary since people have different opinion on that problem. some may say that that voids the warranty some may charge you while other might still honor your warranty but will ask you to surrender the unit before they remove it. i for one just got lucky and they just remove it and gave me the screw for free. they they didnt even filed a report for it. any way just explain to them that, that is an issue with the laptop and its just a screw they should be able to remove it in less than 15 mins, and my advice is to let them remove all of it, including the screw that locks the dvd/blue ray drive, its the only screw close to the ram slots, and replace it, try asking for it or just buy new once either way it is a problem and a very odd problem because most tech wouldnt know how to categorize that issue, and i wouldnt want to try the soldering thing because some of the screw, namely on the bracket and hdd might not like the heat. just go to asus official service they should have once close to your location, i at a third world country and we have asus service center here lol, just need to find it go luck!