Hi guys,
First I thought I had a problem with the battery,
From one moment to another it wouldn't charge past a certain percentage (between 87-91%) even though the system said it was still charging, and the battery light indicator was flashing orange constantly.
If I unplugged the adapter the laptop still worked as normal with battery, I even got about 2,5 hours out of it before it powered down without warning me.
Right after plugging the adapter out and during the entire 2,5 hours the battery was always the same percentage according to the system and would last for 10 hours or something (orange light still flashing).
When I turned it back on after that everything seemed normal (no flashing orange light) and stayed normal for a few days, with the exception that my battery still couldn't get to 100%, untill the same thing happened all over again.
Then I tried a couple things: flash BIOS, do a few empty and recharge cycles with the battery, reïnstall windows ACPI driver, system restore.
All without resolving the issue.
So I thought the battery would need replacement.
But to be sure there wasn't something wrong with the adapter or software I uninstalled the battery.
So now I'm running the laptop without battery,
at first everything was normal, but now the battery light indicator is flashing orange again, even though i'm running without battery.
I don't know what could be the cause of this anymore, besides maybe a faulty motherboard, but I only got the laptop for 15 months and I'm out of warranty, so that would suck.
Any help would be appreciated.
I know there are other similar threads about this, but I still made a new one since my problem appears to be different then mentioned in the other threads.