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G751JY-DH72X Severe Gaming Issues with some games

Level 7

The above image is an example of an intermittent framerate dropout that I experience regularly with some games. I've monitored CPU and GPU temperatures which appear to be within expected ranges even at high load. When experiencing these frame rate dropouts, there is no undue burden on the system only the game itself. Adjusting video quality does not resolve the issue, but does appear to slightly reduce the frequency of the dropouts. I've updated nVidia and all other system drivers, to no avail.

Is anyone else experiencing similar dropouts in framerates? When the dropouts are not occurring, this laptop is by far the best system I have ever owned. I am quite thrilled. That being said...for some games, at some points in time....the system is unplayable. Metro 2033/Last Light and Heroes of the Storm are two games that regularly experience this problem.

Thoughts? I've reached out to nVidia as well but I would like to hear from the community on this one.

Level 12
BaiHu, make sure you aren't running the Power4Gear Power Save Power Plan, uninstall Power4Gear, and for drop out testing use the Windows High Performance Power Plan.

Set your Nvidia 3D performance settings like so:

Make sure you have 3D settings indicated by Advanced Settings, rather than Application.

Make sure you have at least these options set for Performance.

Check your Game settings to make sure they don't override the Global settings.

You don't mention which Nvidia driver you are using. You should be running the latest 347.09 WHQL or 344.75/80.

If you are running from an HDD, you need to disable APM to stop glitches caused by in game resource loads from the disk, the heads park and spin down the drive, you need to disable that.

Use something like quiethdd:

Use Settings to set APM/AAM to 255/255, and select the disable APM and disable system suspend in the systray app as available:


Plenty of people are running these games aok, so you need to police your setup to get stable running performance.

Please let us know what you find.

Level 15
Online or single player? Playing from HDD or SSD?

Level 7

Im not using any Power4Gear software or anything of that sort and my power plan is already on high performance. I've tried various configuration options within the nVidia control panel along the lines that you suggested, to no avail. I regularly update my video drivers upon each new certified driver release.

I am running all of my games off of the SSD in my system. The issues occur both in online and offline play as well as in benchmark tools for games such as Metro.

It doesnt seem to be a temperature issue - I have verified this via HWiNFO during gaming. The problem occurs when output over HDMI or on the laptop screen itself. I've tried numerious different combinations of audio output, video output, graphics settings, and have seen no improvement during times the issue is occurring. My framerates are excellent, except for periods where the dropouts occur.

Any thoughts?

Please let me know if I may provide any further data.

Level 7
As of tonight I am now receiving outright system crashes while playing high-intensity segments of Metro 2033 after a period of successful high-framerate gaming.

According to HWiNFO, GPU temperatures reach approximately no higher than 68C. Processor core and package temps reach approximately 70C. If I return to gaming, the system generall crashes to an entirely non-responsive state. Occasionally only the game will crash, though the system will crash if I continue to game.

I am playing on a wood desk with ample ventilation, and temperature monitors do not appear to report high temperatures.

Any suggestions? This is beginning to become rather worrisome.

Also of note, I have not overclocked or modified any core system settings in any way.

BaiHu wrote:

Im not using any Power4Gear software or anything of that sort and my power plan is already on high performance. I've tried various configuration options within the nVidia control panel along the lines that you suggested, to no avail. I regularly update my video drivers upon each new certified driver release.

I am running all of my games off of the SSD in my system. The issues occur both in online and offline play as well as in benchmark tools for games such as Metro.

It doesnt seem to be a temperature issue - I have verified this via HWiNFO during gaming. The problem occurs when output over HDMI or on the laptop screen itself. I've tried numerious different combinations of audio output, video output, graphics settings, and have seen no improvement during times the issue is occurring. My framerates are excellent, except for periods where the dropouts occur.

Any thoughts?

Please let me know if I may provide any further data.

BaiHu wrote:
As of tonight I am now receiving outright system crashes while playing high-intensity segments of Metro 2033 after a period of successful high-framerate gaming.

According to HWiNFO, GPU temperatures reach approximately no higher than 68C. Processor core and package temps reach approximately 70C. If I return to gaming, the system generall crashes to an entirely non-responsive state. Occasionally only the game will crash, though the system will crash if I continue to game.

I am playing on a wood desk with ample ventilation, and temperature monitors do not appear to report high temperatures.

Any suggestions? This is beginning to become rather worrisome.

Also of note, I have not overclocked or modified any core system settings in any way.

BaiHu, you've pretty much covered it all. Either your OS/app has been corrupted, or you have a hardware problem.

You have already played around with the problem for quite a time, so maybe it's time to do an F9 OS reset - it re-install's the Asus OS and recreates the out of the box configuration.

I wouldn't install a lot immediately after that, except for 1 of the games with the problem, and then see how the laptop performs.

If you still have the problems then it's time to return it if you are still within sellers return period, or RMA with Asus.

Please let us know how it works out 🙂