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G751JY Battery Replacement Recommendation

Level 7

It's been few months since my G751JY battery kicked the bucket (Turns off as soon as I plug it off). Been looking for good replacements, but all of the reviews are pretty much mixed. Do you have any recommendations to where I can get quality ones, or which "model" should I be looking for?(I'm guessing OEM part is the best, but couldn't find it anywhere).

Thanks in advance.

Level 10
Hello lukadjanelidze,
Please kindly send your device to service center.
Thank you.

Blake@ASUS wrote:
Hello lukadjanelidze,
Please kindly send your device to service center.
Thank you.

I would love to. But there's only 1 service center in where I live and looking at their reviews, I'd rather fix it myself. Unfortunately, I could't find OEM part, so I guess I'll have to gamble on not so trusty one.

Maybe you can get a good one from here.

Pada dasarnya memang kita berpikir mungkin kita tidak akan pernah betah tinggal di sebuah ruangan untuk bekerja tanpa menggunakan media air conditioner dari produk tim ac pamulang. Akan tetapi perlu diingat bahwa mayoritas para pekerja mungkin ada yang tidak merasa nyaman akan dinginnya ruangan yang disebabkan oleh berbagai hal, terutama sekali seperti masalah kesehatan ataupun mungkin hal-hal kecil lainnya. Oleh karena itu, sangat penting untuk kita pahami bersama bahwasanya hal yang menyangkut kebutuhan sekunder seperti ini tidaklah terlalu dipersoalkan karena tidaklah mungkin gaya hidup seperti dapat dipegang oleh tiap-tiap individu. Apalagi jika hal ini dikaitkan dengan aspek kehidupan rumah tangga sudah barang tentu akan menjadikan persepsi para pengguna jasa service ac pamulang menjadi rancu dan tidak mendasar sama sekali.

Blake@ASUS wrote:
Hello lukadjanelidze,
Please kindly send your device to service center.
Thank you.

What is the cost for this service in the United States?
For a G751JT-CH71

Level 10
Hello season_of_ages,
Please kindly contact our local team for more information.
Thank you.