02-18-2016 12:57 AM - last edited on 03-06-2024 02:48 AM by ROGBot
02-18-2016 03:57 AM
lukadjanelidze wrote:
Hello everyone,
I've recently bought G751JY-WH71 (WX), and while charging i noticed that the metal back on laptop is kind of vibrating when i touch it. i use adapter for 3 pin plug (american one) to 2 pin (europian) plug. can this be a problem?
thanks in advance for any help.
02-18-2016 06:52 AM
02-18-2016 10:43 AM
Dr4g0n36 wrote:
You could easily Exchange terminal cable with one EU with 3 pin. check also if you power strip (eventually if you have one) has 3 pin and not 2 or the problem is just a little more down.
02-18-2016 12:23 PM
EttoreA wrote:
Sorry, but this one is Type L and it's used almost exclusively in Italy and Chile.
If the 2 pin plug is Type F (used anywhere in Europe and Russia) then it is a grounded one.
02-18-2016 01:56 PM
Dr4g0n36 wrote:
oh you mean schuko adapter (german type). this plug has 2 normal pin for electricity and 2 sided terminals that is ground cable. So is already 3 pin plug type.
02-18-2016 02:25 PM
lukadjanelidze wrote:
i live in georgia(not state) and we have these types of sockets and plugs here, and i wonder if there are some kind of adapter to also ground.
02-18-2016 02:33 PM
Dr4g0n36 wrote:
According to your photo you don't have ground cable in the wall. The 2 ways are to replace wall plug or buy an UPS .
02-18-2016 03:14 PM
02-18-2016 11:24 PM
JustinThyme wrote:
Flip the plug 180 in the socket, you have reversed polarity, hot where neutral should be and vice versa.
Three prongs on laptop power supplies is a relatively new thing. I still have a bunch laying around without it. Couldnt find a schematic with the ground but penciled it in, you can see where the buzz comes from, Top input shoud be hot and bottom neutral.