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G751 Sound Crackling Thread (The one thread to rule them all)

Level 10
EDIT - These drivers seem to allow us to disable Realtek power management username : spcust password : hwwk758z
What this means is that you need to do this in regedit : Using : [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Realtek\Audio\RtkNGUI64 \PowerMgnt]

Make sure to restart after you change regedit. What all of this will do is when you turn on your laptop the first sound in windows will still produce a crackle as the sound turns on but then the sound stays on and doesn't constantly crackle every time there is a sound. There is still a shhh/chhh noise if you press your ear to the upper left part of the laptop. However, this noise isn't as noticeable as the crackling was and you have to actually press your ear against it to hear it.
Credit goes to X7007 for trying out these drivers first. Good job!

We seem to be spread out on too many threads with this issue and some people aren't even aware of other threads where this issue gets talked about so I figured a more centralized thread where we can see how many people still have this issue is warranted. If you still have this issue and the Regedit fix doesn't work for you please just make a small post here.

Video of the issue -

When making a video of the issue it is harder to hear than in reality. I don't have to put my ear next to the computer like I put the camera to hear the crackle. That's not how I computer. I just go to and before I even click a video or play audio it crackles. Every. Time. It prematurely crackles. Putting the volume on mute doesn't make it go away. Making the volume louder or quieter doesn't either likely because it crackles before the audio even starts playing. It anticipates the audio. Another easy way to hear the crackle is to go into the Realtek application with the volume on mute and click on the speakers and they do their test but as you click on them they crackle and when the 2 second test is over they crackle again. You can also open up a video and it will crackle. Open up a video and close it right after is also fun for double the crackle. Almost like something turning on and off except I doubt you are supposed to hear it. My HP HDX18 never made this noise. Another thing to note is that this crackling issue has threads for other laptop manufacturers so we all think given the evidence that this is driver based. If I uninstall the Realtek drivers the issue goes away but then the sound sucks and I'm not really getting what I paid for!

One last thing to mention is that I am currently talking to CL-Albert about this issue so hopefully we can come to some conclusion. His test unit makes the crackle very minimally to the point where to hear it he has to put his ear to the laptop. So it is different than ours.

271 REPLIES 271

flydutch wrote:
I was just wondering if it shouldn't be the case for suing them for selling a product with known problems that are not being solved (see crackling sound problem and left side USB problem), or go to national consumers support?

I'm sure you can, and you will get a refund. Asus won't give you a properly functioning product though. Right now it seems to me that no lawsuit is going to make ASUS do their job properly and fix a software issue.

I'm going to wait till there are only G752 replacements left and RMA my G751. It's very likely that the G752 will have the same issue though 😉

Level 9
And I am not going to buy any Asus product again.

I will not reward company that is:
- providing lack of support,
- selling hardware without advertised features and WITHOUT any notice (customer do not know what is buying - eg. m2 connector, g-sync),
- advertising and sending hardware for reviewers with TOP config (M2 connector, G-sync, etc.) that is finally NOT available at lot of national markets at all,
- not fixing common software/driver issues (usb 3.0 at left ports, crackling sound with audio drivers wrong power management),
- ignoring the customers and thinks that only new one counts! (no response at forum petitions and stupid helpdesk that is deliberately "not knowing" what is going on with g-sync)

There are better companies. I will buy their products.

Level 7
Sent mine to RMA, just came back, it took them 2 days to say the problem is solved, basically they did a system restore.. Didn't had the chance to test it yet since im at work but I'm pretty sure it doesn't solve the problem...

Jarinha wrote:
Sent mine to RMA, just came back, it took them 2 days to say the problem is solved, basically they did a system restore.. Didn't had the chance to test it yet since im at work but I'm pretty sure it doesn't solve the problem...

Wait....did you explain the issue in detail and/or linked this thread? System restores have been tried by me and others I believe and it hasn't worked for anyone. I'd be amazed if the issue was fixed by doing just that. How do you know exactly what they did to the computer? Please update on whether they resolved the issue because if they didn't then it is clear that sending to RMA is possibly going to be worthless as they don't know how to catch the problem or how to solve it even though we have 17 pages worth of info on how to catch it and what has been tried to resolve it.

Jarinha wrote:
it took them 2 days to say the problem is solved, basically they did a system restore..

I expected nothing less from ASUS Support! Good job! 😉

Level 7
I'm furious! there was a paper inside the package saying they just did a system restore, I've explained the problem with a lot of detail and with links to my YouTube video where I show the problem...

The problem, remains exactly the same... This is outrageous! They don't give a ****!

Jarinha wrote:
I'm furious! there was a paper inside the package saying they just did a system restore, I've explained the problem with a lot of detail and with links to my YouTube video where I show the problem...

The problem, remains exactly the same... This is outrageous! They don't give a ****!

What will you be doing next? Will you be replying to support telling them they fixed nothing to see what they do from there?

This thread has been up for 6 months and other people complained about the issue before that and there is still NOTHING from Asus. Not a comment on our thread. We have also sent in multiple tech support inquiries to no avail. You RMA and they do the most BASIC thing they could have done and call it "fixed". There are clearly a lot of laptops with this issue and probably many more than are just reported here.

Where do we go from here? Ask for refunds? Given if we RMA our problem likely isn't solved and even if they give you a different G751 you have a pretty good chance of receiving one with crackling sound still. Ask for the G752 as a replacement if that one doesn't have the crackling issue?

Mousepad wrote:
What will you be doing next? Will you be replying to support telling them they fixed nothing to see what they do from there?

This thread has been up for 6 months and other people complained about the issue before that and there is still NOTHING from Asus. Not a comment on our thread. We have also sent in multiple tech support inquiries to no avail. You RMA and they do the most BASIC thing they could have done and call it "fixed". There are clearly a lot of laptops with this issue and probably many more than are just reported here.

Where do we go from here? Ask for refunds? Given if we RMA our problem likely isn't solved and even if they give you a different G751 you have a pretty good chance of receiving one with crackling sound still. Ask for the G752 as a replacement if that one doesn't have the crackling issue?

As of now, I've filled a complaint at their Portuguese website to the attention of the administration. They have 48 hours to answer. I've detailed the events and added additional information like this thread and some videos exposing the problem. Let's see what they answer. My wife is a lawyer and we are already preparing for court if required.

Jarinha wrote:
As of now, I've filled a complaint at their Portuguese website to the attention of the administration. They have 48 hours to answer. I've detailed the events and added additional information like this thread and some videos exposing the problem. Let's see what they answer. My wife is a lawyer and we are already preparing for court if required.

Do I hear someone thinking or suggesting a Class Action Lawsuit?


Level 7
The crackling was bad upon first using the speakers. The more I use them the better they get.