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G751 Sound Crackling Thread (The one thread to rule them all)

Level 10
EDIT - These drivers seem to allow us to disable Realtek power management username : spcust password : hwwk758z
What this means is that you need to do this in regedit : Using : [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Realtek\Audio\RtkNGUI64 \PowerMgnt]

Make sure to restart after you change regedit. What all of this will do is when you turn on your laptop the first sound in windows will still produce a crackle as the sound turns on but then the sound stays on and doesn't constantly crackle every time there is a sound. There is still a shhh/chhh noise if you press your ear to the upper left part of the laptop. However, this noise isn't as noticeable as the crackling was and you have to actually press your ear against it to hear it.
Credit goes to X7007 for trying out these drivers first. Good job!

We seem to be spread out on too many threads with this issue and some people aren't even aware of other threads where this issue gets talked about so I figured a more centralized thread where we can see how many people still have this issue is warranted. If you still have this issue and the Regedit fix doesn't work for you please just make a small post here.

Video of the issue -

When making a video of the issue it is harder to hear than in reality. I don't have to put my ear next to the computer like I put the camera to hear the crackle. That's not how I computer. I just go to and before I even click a video or play audio it crackles. Every. Time. It prematurely crackles. Putting the volume on mute doesn't make it go away. Making the volume louder or quieter doesn't either likely because it crackles before the audio even starts playing. It anticipates the audio. Another easy way to hear the crackle is to go into the Realtek application with the volume on mute and click on the speakers and they do their test but as you click on them they crackle and when the 2 second test is over they crackle again. You can also open up a video and it will crackle. Open up a video and close it right after is also fun for double the crackle. Almost like something turning on and off except I doubt you are supposed to hear it. My HP HDX18 never made this noise. Another thing to note is that this crackling issue has threads for other laptop manufacturers so we all think given the evidence that this is driver based. If I uninstall the Realtek drivers the issue goes away but then the sound sucks and I'm not really getting what I paid for!

One last thing to mention is that I am currently talking to CL-Albert about this issue so hopefully we can come to some conclusion. His test unit makes the crackle very minimally to the point where to hear it he has to put his ear to the laptop. So it is different than ours.

271 REPLIES 271

@ bimbel:
Not bad, I did what you suggested, and that did improve the rattling and crackling I had when playing high volumes (even though it definitely is something vibrating in the case, like Sanctrum said probably a hardware issue.

Level 7
crackle away!!!!
rattle on...:confused:

Level 7
I'm still having the crackling sound and quite honestly I can't take it anymore. I was hoping ASUS would give us an official answer but it seems that's not gonna happen. Also, at this stage it seems that not "all" 751JY owners experience this issue. Should I activate the warranty? Regards.

I am a G751JY user...more specifically...G751JY-DB73X.

I have had ongoing issues from and with ASUS for over a year and a half...including numerous RMAs...which resulted in the eventual "upgrade" replacement...too which eventually escalated in in the final approval for a brand new-in-box replacement of previously stated model. Mind you I have had multiple replacements of this exact model...some recertified...some new.

After finally receiving my current unit...I too have the sound problem as others previously stated: A crackle from the speakers and/or headphones BEFORE and AFTER a sound plays...using the sound icon in the windows taskbar and simply clicking on the slider and sliding the volume to whichever level...and releasing....resulting in the
crackling/popping sound.

I haven't done all of the steps below mentioned by someone previously but I will post it below here:

"The best way to notice this one is to:

(0) Ensure that you're in a quiet space.
(1) Close all applications which maintain a continuous audio input. This is important.
(2) Mute the speakers or turn the sound to a minimum. If you decide to mute, don't deactivate the speakers - mute them. This is simply so that you can hear the crackle better and is not a cause for said crackle.
(3) Play the Windows 'test' noise or otherwise activate any system notification which plays a brief sound. You can hear the crackle when you open or close any application with an audio input, but it's most noticeable with brief sounds. This is because when you open for example a video file there's a tendency to keep it open for a certain period of time before closing it again. The issue is still there but perhaps less obvious because of this.

You'll hear a crackle from the system just BEFORE and AFTER the sound.

As far as anyone can tell, this is due to the Realtek HD Audio driver's power management component which 'turns on' and 'off' the sound whenever there's an audio input. The problem could be resolved by telling the driver to always keep the sound activated. This has been an issue with Realtek drivers for quite some time (see for example here for a registry fix by a Windows 7 user. Note this fix does not work in the Windows 8 environment).

Very likely every owner using this driver has the issue but either because of step (0) or (1) hasn't taken notice of it."

I believe it is true everyone has this issue...however, in some of the previous units I had...I did not either notice the problem or the problem had been corrected...but oddly enough I know that I used the same drivers with each unit.

I can confirm that no matter which current drivers I use or attempt to use...NONE correct the problem. Not in Win 8.1 or Win 10!

The only way I have found to get rid of the crackling sound is by uninstalling the Realtek Drivers.

After uninstalling and restarting the system you will find that repeating the test (testing the sound by using the slider on the windows taskbar) the crackling sound is gone...Thus proving beyond a shadow of doubt...the problem lies within the Realtek Drivers or some conflict with Windows and the Realtek Drivers!

This is not to say that possibly a new update of the Realtek Drivers may or may not correct the problem but at present (time of this posting) the most current Realtek Drivers released are the following:

Windows 8.1 64bit

Version V6.0.1.7432 (2015.02.05 update)

Version V6.0.1.7335 (2014.09.18 update)

Windows 10 64bit

Version V6.0.1.7576 (2015.08.21 update)

From Realtek website

64bits Vista, Windows7, Windows8, Windows8.1, Windows10 Driver only (Executable file) R2.79 2015/6/25

If anyone has anything more to add or other comments regarding this issue...please submit a post.


Jarinha wrote:
Should I activate the warranty? Regards.

It won't help at all. From 3 units of G751JY I tested (this one being the third), every single one of them has it.
If you are that annoyed by this issue, either keep a silent track playing all the time, or use an external sound card. Either will help.
Unless ASUS releases a driver update, it's going to stay this way. By the looks of it, nobody at ASUS gives a damn about us.

After having tried to escalate the issue via Corporate Escalations...hoping they could escalate the issue to the developers and/or proper support team and referencing this forum/thread to help get it resolved for us once and for all...they merely transferred me to technical support...go figure...after all of the usual blah blah...meaning...try factory reset...try uninstalling and reinstalling drivers...etc...ASUS tech support said to uninstall the Realtek Drivers...and await a driver update via Windows Update.

He said that Windows will find the drivers for the system and install them after a major update from Windows.

So, in Windows 8.1 for instance, it does updates/searches in the background constantly,...and is the way 8.1 works.

Thus, after it finds updates/drivers needed it will install them automatically.

After there is an update released...try and see if the problem persists.

How funny and annoying is that/this?

Color me frustrated!

PS---I did submit to them this exact thread for this problem and in hopes they will escalate it to the proper team to be resolved. (((Crosses Fingers)))

I purchased an external sound card to see if it gets rid of this issue and right now I am trying to uninstall all of the realtek audio drivers but for some Reason I keep getting an error with this particular number ( -5005 : 0x80070002) when performing an uninstall request via the "Program uninstall" window.

The weird thing is that I've done this before and after that went back to a previous state of the system since the ROG Audio Wizard was gone.

I have the exact same problem you guys have with the popping sound before and after playing a sound.
The weird thing is that I had a G751JY-T7186H (Italian model no Gsync) and that computer did not have the sound problem. I sold it to get the Gsync model G751JY-T7312H WITH Gsync and this has got the sound problem. I contacted Asus Italy today and waiting for an answer. Maybe I will get a full refund under the 100% reliability program. I think you can consider the computer broken since from what I know they will try to repair it. If not I am still in the 14 days return period here in Italy. Maybe I'll wait for the G752 or switch to MSI (Although I have had problems also with them sound related).

Level 9
The weird thing is that I had a G751JY-T7186H (Italian model no Gsync) and that computer did not have the sound problem.

I suspect that you just haven't noticed it, because you had a music player on pause or something. It's very easy to miss it like that.

I'll only believe it when I see a video of a G751 NOT having this issue (without any programs using audio in the background).

Level 7
I was just wondering if it shouldn't be the case for suing them for selling a product with known problems that are not being solved (see crackling sound problem and left side USB problem), or go to national consumers support?