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G750JH Battery discharge while gaming! Need help! [Solved]

Level 9
Hello everybody!
Have enyone noticed battery discharge while gaming on asus g750JH???
It's not loosing connection with power brick or something like that but it's discharging battery while playing gta 5 I never noticed it before on other asus g laptops but now i'm a bit confused about is it a problem or not. I have latest bios clean windows 8.1 install all drivers where from asus site except NVidia driver. I have power 4 gear installed and set on high performance. I tried to unplug the battery and played just on power brick but there is like micro stuns in gta5 which are noticeable and uncomfortable to play. And it's running good when battery is pluged in and power brick is connected. But I'm afraid this discharges will kill my battery... Need advice what to do or just leave it as is.
Asus G74SX> Asus G55VW 3D> Asus G75VW 3D> Asus G750JW> Asus G750JX> Asus G750JH

Level 9
SLOVED!!! I uninstalled Power 4 Gear and everything works perfect!!!
Asus G74SX> Asus G55VW 3D> Asus G75VW 3D> Asus G750JW> Asus G750JX> Asus G750JH