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G750 Auto contrast is driving me nuts!!

Level 9
I guess everyone knows about the issue I'm talking about and we'll proceed.

I have a G750JX-DB71 and I've been facing this issue right from the day I received my laptop. I've done tons of research and still the problem was unsolved. Changed Windows Power Management Settings, NVidia Dynamic Contrast Enhancement Settings, Stopped Sensor services using services.msc, uninstalled Power4Gear Hybrid and changed power plan settings as well. That's it when I switch to battery, this problem starts again. Even now whilst typing this, the contrast has changed causing a pain.

Finally, I did a CLEAN installation of Windows 8.1 and sigh, it's still there. But didn't install P4G and all. I'm with Nvidia driver of 327 I guess. I dunno what to do. Even when switching tabs in Gmail, the contrast changes due to the theme applied.

Finally, I contacted ASUS and they have provided me a RMA. As I'm new to USA, I do have some issues in sending my notebook to them. Issues in the sense, I can't travel to FedEx office carrying this monster packaged in a box. So this is my last try and I've brought the issue again to you guys. If it's possible do help me, or else I have to send it I guess. I dunno how much time will they take to process and send it as my entire studies depends on this one. I can't wait for long. I'm also worried that they might send me a refurbished one if they can't sort this issue out.

Also as I don't have any P4G and such, I begin to guess that I might have got a faulty display. Is it so? Do you guys advice me to go for RMA?

Update: Video added!

Thanks Pat for the clip!



You'll lose this contrast issue, FOREVER!!!


You'll end up using a very old (6 months I guess) NVIDIA Graphics Driver so you might lose out on bugs and patches, performance improvements etc.


1. Go to Asus 750JX driver download page.
2. Select Win 8 x64 for the OS (Not 8.1)
3. Download this VGA driver (NVIDIA Version V9.18.13.1193 - The first one)
4. Install (When installing check custom install and select 'clean install')
5. Reboot
6. And voila, the problem is gone forever.
7. Don't forget to go to GeForce Experience and uncheck all the automatic updates or this sneaky little software might update you to new drivers silently and you'd have to repeat the steps again.

200 REPLIES 200

Level 12
Guys, while looking at display sleep issues in another thread, I came across this monitoring option in powercfg, that can be run for a time duration, which if run in the background during a dimming event, but shed some light on what is doing it.

C:\Temp>POWERCFG /ENERGY /OUTPUT "longtrace.html" /DURATION 120
Enabling tracing for 120 seconds...
Observing system behavior...
Analyzing trace data...
Analysis complete.

Energy efficiency problems were found.

17 Errors
3 Warnings
24 Informational

See C:\Temp\longtrace.html for more details.

Here is an app that requires a call before shutdown, the PerfectDisk defrag service

System Availability Requests:System Required Request
The service has made a request to prevent the system from automatically entering sleep.
Requesting Service PDEngine

You can also dump low level info on the powercfg not visible in the GUI, that might prove interesting too.

C:\Temp>powercfg /query

Subgroup GUID: 7516b95f-f776-4464-8c53-06167f40cc99 (Display)
Power Setting GUID: 3c0bc021-c8a8-4e07-a973-6b14cbcb2b7e (Turn off display
Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
Maximum Possible Setting: 0xffffffff
Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
Possible Settings units: Seconds
Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x0000003c
Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

Power Setting GUID: aded5e82-b909-4619-9949-f5d71dac0bcb (Display brightnes
Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
Possible Settings units: %
Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000053
Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x0000004b

Power Setting GUID: f1fbfde2-a960-4165-9f88-50667911ce96 (Dimmed display br
Minimum Possible Setting: 0x00000000
Maximum Possible Setting: 0x00000064
Possible Settings increment: 0x00000001
Possible Settings units: %
Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000050
Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000050

Power Setting GUID: fbd9aa66-9553-4097-ba44-ed6e9d65eab8 (Enable adaptive b
Possible Setting Index: 000
Possible Setting Friendly Name: Off
Possible Setting Index: 001
Possible Setting Friendly Name: On
Current AC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000
Current DC Power Setting Index: 0x00000000

There is too much more to post.

I haven't seen any discussion here for a while, any updates?

hmscott wrote:

I haven't seen any discussion here for a while, any updates?

No I have been quite busy with other stuff... Thanks for reporting your findings, I will for sure look into them soonest possible.


...somebody tried new ASUS driver released 2014.07.04 on ASUS G750JW download site (Version V9.18.13.3788 )?

Dario723 wrote:
...somebody tried new ASUS driver released 2014.07.04 on ASUS G750JW download site (Version V9.18.13.3788 )?

Dario723, nice find 🙂



Someone else mentioned this in another thread, but didn't say where they found it, a Verde driver - point release with fixes for specific hardware - he thought it was for the JS model.


And, it's also downloadable from the JS download area, the same source download location:

I am running 340.43, and don't have the auto contrast bug... so someone else will have to try nVidia_Verde_Win81_64_VER918133788 🙂

..tried it ...driving me crazy!@#$%^&*...doesn't work, clean install, still dimming at AC, the moment it's the only flaw with my G750JW, the rest is quite close to perfect ...

Hey, G75vx owner here. I've read through the entire thread and I can tell you guys that the G75 series suffers the same problem. We've let Asus know about this years ago and they've yet to give us a solution. Whatever display anomaly they put in the G75's they kept in the G750's apparently!

Level 7
so what is the solution ? I have this problem on my G56, but only on battery - strange

Level 7
Khuyen mai lap mang fpt Dong Nai, Nhan dip nang cap ha tang ADSL va bo sung moi 100% ha tang GPON (Cap quang fpt gia re), FPT Dong Nai se thuc hien chuong trinh sieu khuyen mai danh rieng cho khach hang ki moi. Theo do, khach hang dang ky lap mang FPT Dong Nai chi tiết >>> va cac khu vuc co ha tang cua FPT nhu : Long Thanh – Long Khanh – Dinh Quan – Trang Bom va Tp Bien Hoa duoc huong uu dai dac biet.

Chuong trinh khuyen mai lap dat truyen hinh FPT Play HD duoc tang tu 3 den 6 thang cuoc su dung mien phi, khach hang co nhu cau xem chi tiet san pham va chi phi lap dat COMBO FPT (Internet va truyen hinh FPT).
Gioi thieu ve FPT Telecom Dong Nai

Chi nhanh FPT Telecom Dong Nai truc thuoc Cong ty Co phan Vien thong FPT ( FPT Telecom) duoc thanh lap ngay 13/6/2007 , co tru so tai so 196 duong Ha Huy Giap, phuong Quyet Thang, Bien Hoa, Dong Nai. Hien nay FPT Telecom Dong Nai mo rong chi nhanh tai FPT Long Thanh – FPT Long Khanh – FPT Dinh Quan – FPT Trang Bom va FPT Bien Hoa.
FPT Dong Nai dang cung cap cac san pham, dich vu chinh bao gom:

Internet bang rong: ADSL/VDSL, TriplePlay, FTTH
Cac dich vu gia tri gia tang tren Internet: Truyen hinh truc tuyen (OneTV), Dien thoai co dinh (VoIP), Giam sat tu xa (IP Camera), Chung thuc chu ky so (CA), Dien toan dam may (Cloud computing),.

Xem thêm >>> đăng ký lắp mạng internet fpt Bình Dương

Voi phuong cham “Moi dich vu tren mot ket noi”, FPT Telecom Dong Nai luon khong ngung nghien cuu va trien khai tich hop ngay cang nhieu cac dich vu gia tri gia tang tren cung mot duong truyen Internet nham dem lai loi ich toi da cho khach hang su dung. Dong thoi, viec day manh hop tac voi cac doi tac vien thong lon tren the gioi, xay dung cac tuyen cap quang quoc te la nhung huong di duoc trien khai manh me de dua cac dich vu tiep can voi thi truong toan cau, nang cao hon nua vi the cua FPT Telecom Dong Nai noi rieng va cac nha cung cap dich vu vien thong Viet Nam noi chung.

Khach hang lap mang cap quang FPT co 5 su lua chon ve goi cuoc, goi thap nhat la F6 co toc do la 16 Mbps, mot toc do khong he cham, so voi mat bang chung ve toc do duong truyen thi duong truyen 16 Mbps danh cho ca nhan ho gia dinh la da kha nhanh va on dinh con duoc danh gia la cao, nhanh, manh. Ngoai ra con co cac goi cuoc cap quang FPT cao hon de khach hang lua chon de lap dat sao cho phu hop voi gia dinh minh.

Chuong trinh khuyen mai lap dat cap quang FPT:

Mien phi lap dat cap quang FPT.
Trang bi modem wifi cap quang FPT.
Mien phi toan bo chi phi day cap thue bao cap quang FPT.
Uu dai giam cuoc hang thang trong suot qua trinh su dung va tang tu 1 den 3 thang cuoc su dung khi khach hang tham gia tra truoc cuoc thang.

Uu dai danh cho khach hang tra truoc cuoc:

Khach hang tra truoc 6 thang cuoc:
Mien phi hoa mang cap quang FPT.
Tang cuoc su dung thang thu 7.
Khach hang tham gia tra truoc 12 thang cuoc:
Mien phi hoa mang cap quang FPT.
Tang tu 1 den 3 thang cuoc, tuong ung thang cuoc thu 13, 14 va 15.

Thu tuc dang ky lap dat cap quang FPT, khach hang lien he tong dai de dang ky va de duoc tu van cu the chi tiet.

Dong Nai la mot tinh co toc do phat trien kinh te va hoi nhap nhanh trong mien, nguoi dan Dong Nai luon sang tao doi moi, no luc lao dong. FPT Dong Nai cung co gang doi moi va phat trien de dap ung nhieu nhu cau giai tri cao cua khach hang, lap mang cap quang FPT Dong Nai da dua vao ban goi cuoc combo 2 trong 1, 2 dich vu la internet cap quang FPT va truyen hinh FPT tren cung mot duong truyen cap quang FPT. Goi cuoc combo 2 trong 1 dap ung tu nhu cau ket noi de lam viec, hoc tap cho den nhung phut giay giai tri quay quan ben gia dinh, nguoi than.

Truyen hinh FPT la dich vu truyen hinh chat luong cao, nhieu tinh nang moi la hap dan, giup nguoi dung chu dong xem truyen hinh.
Website tham khảo:
Một số thông tin mạng xã hội liên quan mạng fpt Đồng Nai bạn có thể tham khảo:
A better day.

Level 7
I have uninstalled power4gear too, and I have still this problem. I'm thinking about reinstalling windows and installing only drivers which doesnt exist in Windows Update. I don't know is it worth a try......I think the problem is mainly in Asus drivers, not in Windows

Level 7
To all still lurking this thread, I've found the a solution that works for me.

1. Open nvidia control panel, go to video settings.
2. Check box for dynamic contrast, hit appply.
3. Uncheck box for dynamic contrast, hit apply.
4. Restart computer
5. Go to services (type "services" in search, or Control Panel>System and Security>Administrative Tools>Services)
6. Disbable startup for NVIDIA Display Driver Service, NVIDIA, Network Service, NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service, and NVIDIA Streamer Service
7. Restart computer

This doesn't affect game fps at all.
Also, Nvidia Control Panel no longer works and Nvidia drivers no longer update automatically.

My computer settings (things that may or may not matter):
I have the g75vx
I have uninstalled ALL Asus software except Power4Gear
I'm using the color profile from:
I'm using NVidia driver 337.88

This fix has worked for 3 days now. If you have any problems with it let me know.

OH YEAH btw his fix only works when you're laptop is plugged in. Once you switch to battery the problem will occasionally come back! spooky