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G75 in thailand? or world wide shipping???

Level 7
Hi Everyone
Ok Im new to the forum but here goes. this is a long shot but.. Im a Brit who happens to work in the oil fields of kazakhstan and dont get much chance to visit home (UK) very often. Because I spend long times away from home. Having a gaming laptop is very important to me. (fills in the time)
I desperately want to buy a Asus G75 (16GB ram etc) but cant seem to get here in kz. Now in 2 weeks I am going to fly to thailand and was hoping I could buy from there but Asus thailand only list the previous g74

Please oh god please help 🙂 no really.. if you can have any viable idea up I would be ever so greatful.

Somehow I can get the machine shipped to Atyrau Kazakhstan (extra charge is no problem) Does anyone know a reputable shop which does worldwide guaranteed shipping
or where can I get it from in thailand??

really really appreciate a positive reply on this 🙂 as I only get a chance to bounce from here once every few months and dont want to waste my money on a laptop just to fill in.

Level 18
Welcome AnotherMe to ROGforum ... 'Desperately.' Now that's ROG'n.
What say ye .. can something be done ?

OP: How long will you be in Tailand?

Level 11
I've been to Thailand and the chicken barbecue is one of the things making me crave
to go back.. But ASUS in Thailand, I know not..

I suggest you try your other option- go world-wide shipping. Try Gentech PC.
(It's where I bought my G74, and I'm in China.)

E-mail Mr. Ken Lee, he works there (one of the nicest and most helpful guys
I've ever encountered on the web):

If you want to verify about Gentech PC and/or Ken, just google "Gentech PC reviews",
and you'll find I'm not the only customer they've had vouching for their integrity.

Now, Ken or anybody from Gentech PC (hope you frequent these ROG forums),
I've been recommending your store when a need arises. So how about some little lovin' from ya?.. 😛

Thanks guys
I will try them. Ill be in BKK for about 2 weeks.

Well, thanks guys.

I’m pleased to announce the good guy Ken at came through as described by other members.
The Service was excellent all the way from beginning to the end.

Seriously if you are in a similar situation and need kit somewhere far away, then I would definitely recommend contacting Gentech.

I wouldn’t normally bother to write a review. But I genuinely feel they add a level of service you don’t get elsewhere. (I tried loads of suppliers before and got nowhere including trying to contact

Thanks Ken!!

Yeah, agreed that GenTechPC have good customer service.

I ordered a G75VW From US to Singapore, Ken kept me updated on the status of the order and the reasons for the delay etc.

The shipping was pretty fast too. Thumb up!!