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G75 Idling at 60-70C!!!

Level 7
My G75VW - DS72 is a year old, and has recently started idling at ~65 Degrees. I'm not running anything (to my knowledge) and i cleaned the two fan filters last night, the fan is a good foot from a wall and resting on a Razer mousepad, and its been fin (like 40 degrees idle) before. I have the latest bios and just did a scan with MSE and Malware bytes and found nothing other than a bad registry key. I have OC'd Before, but its been on the default clocks for 2 weeks now. Ask for any other info if you could help me solve this

Level 14
Sounds like you need to re-paste your GPU
G752VY-DH72 Win 10 Pro
512 GB M.2 Samsung 960 Pro
1 TB Samsung 850 pro 2.5 format
980m GTX 4 GB
32GB DDR 4 Standard RAM

Z97 PRO WiFi I7 4790K
Windows 10 Pro
Z97 -A
Windows 10 Pro

Guides? link me.

I also live a bike ride away from the place i got it from, and they got good technicians there. I dont know if ive voided my warranty though

I think unless you have a way to test your GPU since you OC'ed it you may have damaged it??? you might want to RMA it for repairs, If they have good techs where you bought it and there certified repair station. They should be able repair you under warranty and you won't have to deal with ASUS repair. I wouldn't tell them you had it OC'ed this is a disassembly video, there are others on You Tube
G752VY-DH72 Win 10 Pro
512 GB M.2 Samsung 960 Pro
1 TB Samsung 850 pro 2.5 format
980m GTX 4 GB
32GB DDR 4 Standard RAM

Z97 PRO WiFi I7 4790K
Windows 10 Pro
Z97 -A
Windows 10 Pro

Level 9
Fistly, I would get some Air on a can, then when laptop is shut of, remove the two backplates on the laptop. then blow air from outside, trough the wents, this should remove a lot of dust that is inside the heatsinks. If that didn´t help then a repaste might be needed.

If you take my topic/pictures from here (start from picture in upper left cornor and work your way from left to right)
combine them with the disassembly process from here then you have a very good guide.

And pich a thermal compound from here. to the buttom. its from 2012

Apexing wrote:
Fistly, I would get some Air on a can, then when laptop is shut of, remove the two backplates on the laptop. then blow air from outside, trough the wents, this should remove a lot of dust that is inside the heatsinks. If that didn´t help then a repaste might be needed.

If you take my topic/pictures from here (start from picture in upper left cornor and work your way from left to right)
combine them with the disassembly process from here then you have a very good guide.

And pich a thermal compound from here. to the buttom. its from 2012

Yeah +1 9/10 it will be dust clean your dust filters and blast your fan. If the temps are still high do what he said and when you repaste also blow the livng hell out of the heatsinks to get all the dust out.