Since you report the BSOD as "recent", try using Windows System Restore to restore your system to an earlier time before the BSOD first occurred. Since you can always UNDO a System Restore, you can be aggressive in which Restore Point(s) you choose.
The BSOD is likely due to a driver conflict from some software you recently installed.
NTOSKRNL.EXE, listed as the cause of the BSOD in your report, is the main Windows process and most likely a victim in this case.
EDIT: I see from your previous thread (, that your "recent" is any time up to a year ago when you first got the laptop. That being the case, reinstalling Windows rather than using Windows System Restore may be a better plan.
G74SX-A1 - stock hardware - BIOS 202 - 2nd Monitor VISIO VF551XVT