Hamza Malik wrote:
While blacking out is a purely hardware related issue, could it be the hardware related issue slowly corrupts the software untill it becomes both? 😛
Yes, hardware failure can cause software failure, bad hardware logic or data translates directly into bad software logic or data. Bad memory or cache or mobo or signal lines or interfaces or controllers can corrupt data on an HDD/SDD which can then corrupt critical OS files and cause BSoDs (along with all sorts of other problems).
Power failures which interrupt write caches can corrupt/lose data and erode stability on a running OS. Almost unavoidable if sudden power loss forces improper shutdowns with great frequency, especially on large-flash-block NVRAM-based devices (like SSDs or SSHDs).
If it's an option, the OP (or his IT friend) should try swapping the laptop's memory and boot/system drives. Try them in another machine (with clean OS install) - see if problems follow. Try good memory/drives in the troubled laptop - see if problems vanish. Each troublesome or suspect hardware component can be tested in isolation (on a known-good platform) if necessary, until the problem is properly identified or can be properly ruled out.
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