Ok so the touchpad on this laptop is wanting me to throw it away, i don't know if it's naturally like this, or if there's something wrong with it. it's been that way since i got it.
Ok so, the touchpad either gets EXTREMELY unsensitive, to the point where even if i push real hard it won't move a mm , or gets extremely sensitive that when i move it down, goes down , then flares up , and sometimes its just i need to press hard to move it around.
conclusion : Touchpad's really annoying me.
I'm on sentelic atm , ( I've tried and it didn't get any better )
I tried uninstalling, rebooting, installing, rebooting, and still nothing.
Bios : American Megatends Inc. G74sx.201 . 4/27/2011
Help would be very appreciated, thanks!