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Level 7
There have been so many posts about this issue but nothing has been done to fix it. There was a bios update that only partly fixed this. Now the Numlock light is on all the time. They only shifted the state of the keys but did not give us the function of the Numlock key. WE NEED A REAL FIX for BOTH states of the keypad, the way that every other laptop is. One that gives full function of the keypad. Not a calculator key. PLEASE FIX THIS !

Level 8
No luck yet, gents?

I can't believe this.

I'm beginning to dislike this laptop more and more.
Current PC: G74SX-RH71
Current Game(s): World of Warcraft, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
Current Emotion: Frustrated

Level 7
I started this thread to try and get a response because i was getting nowhere by phone or email. The sad truth is that i don't think that ASUS actually has much to do with their ROG laptops, it seems like its own entity. Look at their website that has their forum. There is NO laptop forum to post your requests too ! That worries me. There is a forum for all their other products ! I am a VIP member and have stood by them since they started making Motherboards etc... As the owner of an OEM computer shop i have used their products and stuck by them for years and years. This situation with no responses and troubling support responses like " we have no idea there is a problem" and "Just press the NUMLOCK key" and "the pre production model we have here has it " is making me rethink my relationship with Asus as a company. This is going to be my last effort to get this situation rectified. If this cant be fixed i want a refund. We have been strung along for long enough. This has been going on since its release date LAST YEAR !

Level 9
Its not like the keyboard and its issue are the most crippling defect of this line. They lost me as a customer... I'm ready to sell it on ebay and take the loss... REALLY I'M THAT PISSED.

Since the G75 is out, and its a VERY MARGINAL update in specs maybe its BIOS can be applied to the G74 and fix the keyboard.

G74sxpoo wrote:
Since the G75 is out, and its a VERY MARGINAL update in specs maybe its BIOS can be applied to the G74 and fix the keyboard.

BAD idea!

It's a completely different model....completely different chipset and different design. If you tried to remane a G75 BIOS file and apply it to the G74, I'm about 99.999% sure you would brick it. Please do not advise owners to do this......

And that would be bad? The G74SX is an abortion of a 'gaming laptop'. Maybe if I brick the BIOS 3 times I can activate the lemon law and get another just to tie up the support channel. YES, ASUS ROG SUCKS THAT BAD.

Level 7
CYberjudas wrote:
There have been so many posts about this issue but nothing has been done to fix it. There was a bios update that only partly fixed this. Now the Numlock light is on all the time. They only shifted the state of the keys but did not give us the function of the Numlock key. WE NEED A REAL FIX for BOTH states of the keypad, the way that every other laptop is. One that gives full function of the keypad. Not a calculator key. PLEASE FIX THIS !

Here we are months later, and as far as I can tell, still no way to toggle to enable/disable NumLock. Like others, I use an external keyboard which has functions built into the driver that I can't use on the G74sx. Or am I still missing something. Have updated bios and continue to check for more updates and threads to see if someone has posted a new idea on how to fix this (other than a 3rd party Numlocker). Can anyone help?

Level 7
Still no satisfaction. Back to the phone support. WHat good is a warranty when they just deny there is a problem and wait until we all go away and the new version of their crap comes out.

CYberjudas wrote:
Still no satisfaction. Back to the phone support. WHat good is a warranty when they just deny there is a problem and wait until we all go away and the new version of their crap comes out.

Still no satisfaction with what? What problem are you experiencing that they're denying warranty coverage for?

Specific issues aside, I think you described the general business/service model pretty well. It's no comfort, of course, but this isn't an Asus-centric problem. I think this practice has become commonplace in consumer electronics....the objective is to churn out new product that generates ongoing sales rather than support previous products.