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G74SX, not familiar with all the different models and I want one...

Level 7

I'm ready to retire my Dell XPS and I'm thinking of getting the G74SX. However, I keep seeing different versions of the machine. I see A1, DH71, XA1, AH71, DH-73-3d, DH-72...etc.

I can't find any information that compares the different models. I'm shooting for the top of the line, but I'm not sure which models are in the top tier. The specifications on their website seem to list all the options available in each category, but doesn't show which model has which option, and I don't see an option anywhere to build your own machine. Advice?

Also, on the 3d it worth it if I don't plan on using the 3d that often? Meaning, if I only want to use it from time to time, will that decrease any standard quality that I would use most of the time?


Level 7
I agree it would be nice to see the breakdown. You can compare some at newegg but it is incomplete at best.
G74SX-XC1 (black friday newegg deal)

Level 8
I don't know the specific models, but if you want top-of-the-line, look for:

1920 x 1080 display (3D or not)
Blu-ray Drive
2670QM CPU (as apposed to the slightly lower 2630QM)

Those should be the highest stock specs.
Hi, I'm Dan.

Level 10
Hordack wrote:
I can't find any information that compares the different models. I'm shooting for the top of the line, but I'm not sure which models are in the top tier. The specifications on their website seem to list all the options available in each category, but doesn't show which model has which option, and I don't see an option anywhere to build your own machine. Advice?

If by "top-of-the-line" you just mean most expensive, you'd find one with all the most expensive options. These would be (modifying Doan's list a bit):

  • 2670QM CPU
  • 16GB RAM
  • 1920x1080 3D display
  • Blu-ray writer ODD
  • (2) 750Gb HDDs....or (1)750Gb HDD and (1) 160Gb SSD
  • 3Gb VRAM
  • WLAN + BT card
  • Windows 7 Ultimate

But that's kind of a silly way to look at it. It makes more sense to decide which features you actually want and need and then find the configuration that best matches your specs. They're all the same basic computer...they just have different feature sets.

Unfortunately, there's no grid or chart to compare them....that would be too easy. 😉 You have to do a little research on sites like Amazon.

Also, on the 3d it worth it if I don't plan on using the 3d that often? Meaning, if I only want to use it from time to time, will that decrease any standard quality that I would use most of the time?


The non-3D models can output 3D to a 3D-capable monitor or TV...they just can't do it on the laptop's built-in display. IF you don't really need 3D, I'd focus on getting the other features you do want.

Thanks for the feedback.

2670QM CPU - agreed.
16GB RAM - I'm happy with 12
1920x1080 3D display - I like that it is 3D capable regardless of the machine. Thanks for that info.
Blu-ray writer ODD - I'm happy just with a blu-ray player.
(2) 750Gb HDDs....or (1)750Gb HDD and (1) 160Gb SSD - 2 x 750gbs is the way to go.
3Gb VRAM - agreed.
WLAN + BT card - don't need
Windows 7 Ultimate - I'm happy with home.

So far it looks like the G74SX-DH71 is my best bet.

Any advice on where to purchase it? I'm really into extended warranty/accidental damage protection and being able to have it fixed quickly if need be. I've had Dell computers for a long time and I'm used to having that service. Best buy has it, but for some reason they don't list the blu-ray player. Is it out of line to assume that if all the G74SX-DH71 models I've seen have a blu-ray player then the one at Best Buy should also? has one at a good price, but I'm not familiar with them and their customer support.

I recommend Amazon. They have the best return policy I know of, and the added warranty features apply if you buy it there. (Those features don't apply to units purchased from Best Buy.)

Level 7
Done and done! I can't wait. Thanks!