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G74Sx Gadgets or Function button not working!?

Level 7
Ok, I just got this Asus G74SX BBK7 last weekend used. I haven't had much problems with it but I have noticed the function or what ever button is next to the power isnt working. I right click on the desktop and press gadgets but it doesn't do nothen! Can someone please help. And If you do, please give me some detail because I'm still getting used to this new laptop and don't know where everything is. Btw the gadgets used to work but now it doesn't. Also I noticed the speakers sound like they're under water and it sounds like there's a screw loose or something but something rattles when the sound gets loud. Please help. Thanks

Level 14
try and post in the notebook section to get quicker help.

US Customer Loyalty Agent
Assuming you are running Win7, make sure you don't see any yellow question marks or unknown devices under your device manager.

If necessary, you can download the ASUS approved G74Sx drivers and utilities as well as the user manual at the ASUS download site (please search by your G74Sx model):!downloads/c1wax

Sounds like some of the problems you reported could be software related, so just want to make sure all your software and device manager is looking okay first.

If you don't mind erasing everything and still have the original recovery partition, tap 'F9' after you power on to start the recovery process if you would rather start with a new ASUS factory Windows installation.

Level 8
That button next to the power button is for "Express Gate". If its not working try uninstalling and then reinstalling the ATK package from Asus as mentioned. I too would suggest/highly recommend reinstalling Windows if you bought this machine used. You never know what the original user left behind and/or changed from the factory build/install. Plus....;) a new install always run's soooooooo much better!
G74Sx BBK-8 Crucial M4 128GB.SSD/W.D.500Gb.@7200 HHD 16GB. RAM Stock otherwise.

An End,even with Terror is better than Terror without End. F.Nietzsche

US Customer Loyalty Agent
@indianacarnie, thanks for the reminder about the Express Gate function which I forgot about.

Anyway, I haven't worked with the G74Sx too much, so hopefully someone can correct me if necessary, but below is more information about it.

1. You access 'Express Gate' through the 'ROG'/function button next to the power button when the notebook is turned off.
a. 'Express Gate' actually shows up under Windows 'Programs and Features' (or add/remove programs as some may think of it) and can be updated by downloading and installing a newer version from the ASUS G74Sx download site.
If it doesn't work at all, make sure you see the 'ExpressGateCloud' program installed under Windows Programs and Features.

2. The ROG/function button is 'dual-function' and has a different function in Windows which is also different for 3D and non-3D models according to the user manual.
a. For 3D models it "Toggles to activate the 3D mode function and again to switch back to 2D mode. This function is only available when playing a 3D video game or watching a 3D movie."
b. For non-3D models it "Toggles “Splendid Video Intelligent Technology” function ON and OFF. This allows switching between different display color enhancement modes in order to improve contrast, brightness, skin tone, and color saturation for red, green, and blue independently. The selected mode is shown on the display."
The ASUS Splendid utility may also be accessed through the Fn+C key combination, and make sure you see the ASUS Splendid Video Enhancement Technology program installed under Windows Programs and Features if it doesn't work, or download it from the ASUS G74Sx download site if necessary.

If anybody feels like debating it, Express Gate and Splendid are probably not too popular, but you may want to give it a try to decide for yourself.

Below is a screenshot from the G74Sx user manual if anybody is interested.