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G74SX-A1 Motherboard Advice?

Level 7
I have a G74SX-A1 with a bad graphics card. Due to how the 560m card is soldered onto the motherboard, I have to simply replace the entire motherboard.

However, I was informed that I needed an exact copy of the Motherboard as a replacement, that the part number had to match up and that simply having another motherboard for the G74 but with a different number wouldn't be a good option.

Does anyone know if this is true (whether it matters if the replacement has the same part number), and how I could check other than cracking the whole thing open (even though I'll eventually have to do it)?

Level 10
Hi Apoapsis,

Not sure why you are even considering on replacing the motherboard because the laptop you have is quite old and it must be quite expensive to find the same exact model. Probably would be a better idea to just get a new laptop which probably won't cost too much more than getting an older motherboard replacement which should be very scarce.


Level 7
Nah, the motherboards are pretty common, and only about ~250$, which is much cheaper than a newer laptop. Even if I wanted to depart from this right now, I would still have to get it repaired before I sold it at average price, which is ~600$.

Level 9
The G74sx has 2 different motherboard versions, they have the 2gb gtx560m and the 3gb gtx560m.

The best buy version is the 2gb gtx560m.

If you look at your board you will easily be able to tell which version you have if you look at how many ram chips are on the board, and if there are any empty spaces.

If you wanted to you could upgrade from the 2gb to the 3gb version, you would only need to add thermal pads to your heatsink.

Here are some links for you

3gb version -

2gb version -

You can usually find the 2gb version a little cheaper. I just bought the 3gb version for a g74sx that had liquid damage. The prices are usually between $200 - $250 for the board.

Level 7
Thank you!

I'm assuming that the black chips around the graphics card are the graphics ram with two of them equaling a GB, then. Would that be correct? Also, are you aware of any other concerning differences between the part numbers, or should I not worry?

Level 9
Each chip is 256mb. The 3gb board has 6 on front, 6 on back. 256x12=3072 or 3gb.

The part number of my original board was 60-N56MB2800-B06

The part number on a 2gb board that I was going to borrow zif connectors from was 60-N56MB2700-B14.

The part number for the 3D version of the board is 60-N56MB2900. I'd stay away from the 2900's they could have a different connector for the video cable.

So just to recap

2700 - 2gb version
2800 - 3gb version
2900 - 3gb 3d version (probably a different video connector)

These are the only numbers you should watch out for.

Level 7
Thank you. This pretty much explains it perfectly.

Level 9
You're welcome, here's some other useful info.

Below is a picture I edited for another user on this forum. It may help you out.

Be careful separating the top from the rest of the shell, watch out for the fcc cables for the power button board (top right), Keyboard (middle) and the 2 touchpad cables (bottom left). Once you get it apart remember that the motherboard comes out with the fans still screwed down. Just pry the back of the computer away from the heatsink and it should lift up and out without an issue.

I'll be building my G74sx pretty soon when the parts get here, if you need anything else let me know.

Level 7
I actually just took mine apart last night, though like an idiot I forgot to check for the part number (I was too concerned with changing the thermal paste and checking for preexisting damage). I was also... *tickled* that whoever did the past repair for my laptop via ASUS RMA a year ago had messed up, losing some screws.

BTW, on ebay, I found some models of ~2700 with 3gb of graphics ram. It seems as if only the 2700's can have 2gb unlike the other two, but can also have 3gb.

Level 9
Just remember the part number is the yellow/green sticker on the ram slot that's on the bottom side of the motherboard. You should easily be able to get your part number from your motherboard by removing the access panel on the bottom of the laptop.

As for Ebay, I would just avoid the 2700's with 3gb. More than likely they are selling 2 boards or a bunch of boards and accidentally mixed up the pictures with the descriptions. I catch sellers all the time that have descriptions and titles that don't match the picture, it's just part of the ebay experience.