I also got the G74SX 120Hz with 3D. Sometimes when I'm playing games, for a split second I see what you guys are talking about - a part of the screen flickers/gets snowy. It is not annoying me much (cause it happens very rarely, once a day at max, and it is only for a split second) But if this get's worse with time, and the flicker come more often, I would get really disapointed 😞
I also payed 2000+ USD on this laptop, so stuff like this should definately not happen 😞
If I were to describe which part of the screen that flickers, I would say, if you split the screen in 4 parts from top-bottom, it's is the second part from bottom that flickers.. I can see that this post is totally ignored so far, so consider this a bump. If I have to return this beast, I will get so frustrated-.-