Since I came to thread due to the factory installed HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GT32N not being able to do DVD functions, I'll save you some searching if you have one. I've tried just about every proposed fix out there short of writing my own software to get it to work to no avail.
Seems there is no fix for this burner. ASUS will not repair in firmware, bios, or patch. The manufacter is "out of business".
the HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GT32N is pretty much obsolete. I replaced it with a Panasonic UJ260 which was recognised, drivers installed and running in 30 seconds.
ASUS will have you take it in for repairs, do so if warrantee covers it, but if out of pocket, bought replacement drive on line, Installed in a snap.
Remove main panel (4 screws) locate DVD screw, remove, pull out drive, insert replacement (this one did not have the lock screw tab) replace main cover and boot normally, drivers should install, and nothing else to do.
Even if you can get the GT32n to run, it frequently scratches the disc, so I say junk it if you have it.