Hi guys!
Some of the answers here are off topic for sure. This thread is about when u start the puter u get a black screen ... *nothing* else! No msg at all on the screen, it is just pure BLACK! And the HDMI output is also BLACK. Everything is BLACK! Just pure BLACK like the background of this web page
🙂That's the scenario I'm posting about. Period.
🙂So this is what I found out and its been working for 3 months now ...
The problem is the magnetic electronic contact that is detecting if the lid is closed or not.
And that component is just glued to the puter with some crappy tape that is not holding it if you transport your laptop, or move it a little bit abuse. Yes, belive it or not, ASUS is selling a $2000 laptop that should not be moved ... :mad:
So this component is supposed to be attached horizontal, then gets into vertical mode. Then the magnetic sensor wont work ... and your 17.000 SEK puter becomes a brick stone.
So follow the instructions in this video to open your puter.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tp90M_N6dzs&feature=youtu.beThere is one really tricky contact to dissemble under the keyboard (5:24 in the U-tube clip), its the upper right. Take care or you wont be able to get it back. If you wont get it back, internal speakers wont work ... so actually no harm done since you probably use headset or external speakers
🙂 ... mine contact is now broken after 3 attempts dissembling and solving the problem :-X ... but ASUS, how the hell can put that crappy contact stuff in a $2000 puter ???
hmmm .. building quali? NO!
The sensor is at the very right down corner of your puter (check at 6:34 in the clip, just to the left of his thumb). Do whatever you need to make it stick in horizontal mode, then problem solved ... at least it was for me
🙂Just about to buy a new puter ... ASUS?
No way after I've seen the building quali inside the puter ... its freaking unbelievable how poor its put together ... Think I go back to the old reliable Thinkpad again!
No guarantee it will help you guys, but it might be worth a try if you got a $2000 brick stone at the moment
🙂 Calling ASUS is not an option considering what ppl have written in this thread.
And if "calling ASUS" is not an option, who will buy an ASUS again?