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G73JH Black screen :(

Level 7
So the other night I Rebooted My G73jh, went to grab some more coffee amd came back to a Black/Blank Screen. Tested the vga out and the HDMI but no response. Called Asus and they claim they won't RMA since the 1 year manufacturers warranty is up by a couple of months, which really doesn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling about the tech support.

This is the most expensive system I've ever purchased as I usually build my own and to have the system crap out after little more than a year of light use really makes me a little perturbed.

I'm fairly familiar with builds/repair, So I've been throught the usual bit's of checking seats, Battery in/out reset. Cmos Reset. I haven't as of yet pulled the mobo but from what I've been able to see, there doesn't appear to be any burn spots, fat caps or lack of thermal paste on the GPU.

I will add my G73s screen issues to the mix and how I have been *fixing* mine. First issue I had was the screen would suddenly
drop resolution that resembled not having a graphics driver installed. Multiple restarts did not help. Out of warranty, I was getting ready to drop off at repair facility when in frustration I tapped the screen from the side and it corrected it. Each time this happens, tapping it corrects the problem. I got a black screen on boot up today and tapping it fixed the problem again. I'm assuming it is a cable connection issue but haven't dismantled it to permanently fix this. So if all the above suggestions do not fix your issue and you are ready to send in for a fix, try a tap on the side as a last resort. I know that isn't the best thing to do with computer equipment but if it is dead, what are you hurting?

Well, it looks like I got myself a brick too.

I got the black screen on boot more and more often over a period of 6-8 weeks just out of warranty and now it simply has gone completely dead. I must have rebooted it 30 times to no avail. I must add that it had started seriously overheating too and got the fan going making a real racket and still managed to need to shut itself off hitting the 100C.

I have opened up the back unscrewed the dozen or so screws and start opening it up further but quickly realised that it is beyond me. I am not at all a hardware guy! I am surely not expecting to put paste or whatever on the innards of a laptop to keep it running. Not at all meeting my expectations here.

I was not using it as a game machine but it was on and slogging 16 hours/day 7 days/week.

I guess I can try to sell it for parts, the disk must still be working and it has 10G of memory.

Overall a very poor experience.

This was my first Asus and it will be my last. It is an experience I can ill-afford to repeat financially.

Ok, now to find out where is my best bet to sell it for parts. I am in Australia (Perth), any ideas about where and how much could I expect to move it fast?


First of all I want to say hello to all you guys here on forum and before I start explaining how to fix this issue I want to mension what laptop I have:

Processor i7 Q3630
nVidia GTX670 MX * 3GB

...this was configuration after I buy it. Then I decide to upgrade it with +8GB of RAM and one 120GB SSD as a C: drive.
Everything was perfect few days after I buy it, after that I have problem like you guys, I have logo of ROG and ater that nothing, just black screen). In some time I need to restart it 10-15 times to get in WIN8. I try everything that is inside this thread but no success 😕

Maybe you notice that after ~5 restart of your laptop, you have a message something "Do you want to repair your computer?", because windows8 recognize that you can not enter to it. What I did, I go inside this option and I can not remember exactly the name of the option, but try to find something like "Refresh your PC". He will ask you two (2) options more:
1) Do you want to save files and folder from C: drive (win8 withou program but files from lets say Desktop and User will be left), or
2) You don't want to save files (so, Win8 will be refreshed without any programs, files,..from previous windows)

I choose 1st option and I save my files. After that my laptop has been restarted automatically and he do a "Refreshing" something around 20min. Basically he install WIN8 again and install all nessesary drivers (ASUS programs also).

After that my computer work fine. Here past one month and I didn't receive any black screen issue anymore!!!

Off course, after this step you will have two folders on C: drive. "Windows" and "Windows.old". You can find how to delete this folder on YT, or Google as well.

Of course, this mean that ISSUE regarding to this problem is with DRIVERS, and I thing that is Graphic Card drivers. Because now Im updating windows, antivirus, programs, but not nVidia drivers, and everything works perfect. So the thread that one of you type "I try to roll back my graphic drivers and nothing change" is wrong! Something is wrong with drivers obliously.

Also, I said to myself if this problem back again, I will try to remove battery and to remove 16GB of RAM, wait 20sec and back all try to run it. But luckly, I dont need to do that. This thing with "Refreshing PC" works. And be sure to not update nVidia graphic drivers.

Best regards

Hello guys, I just made an account for this specific problem. Here's my black screen problem.

Edit: Asus G73Jh

It started about a month or two ago, I was playing Dark Soul and suddenly my screen went black out of nowhere, didn't moved or hit my laptop. So after restarting it, the screen came back on. So I returned to dark soul then when the resolution changed for the one of the game my screen turned back off again. At that point I uninstalled/reinstalled my driver which seemed to work for awhile then again when I went on DS. It turned off again randomly and it just didn't turned back on at all. So I plugged an external monitor which worked but still a black lcd on the laptop. Then after spending times either in games on on the desktop my laptop screen would turn on and off randomly. Some time longer than others. Not long after, my power supply fried (I'm now on my third PS since I bought my laptop 4 years ago)

I replaced my lcd cable, worked fine for 15 minutes and then it never turned back again. I'm wondering if it could be the LCD that is dead/ dying ? I don't mind buying a new LCD but fear it might not be the problem.

Anyway, I'm aware this problem happened 2 years ago and might still be unsolved but I might get lucky and someone would chime in !

So in resume :

-LCD screen goes black and sometimes turn on again, randomly while the laptop is running.
-An external monitor is working just fine
-Changed the lcd cable and it didn't helped.
-Checked for a faulty ram, they're fine.
-LCD seem highly affected when resolution is changing for games but isn't only affected by that.


Hi all,

Since some days I'm also having this problem with my G73JH...
It only occurs when I'm playing a game (So far happened in HoN and WoW).
If I exit the game, my screen works fine again.

I have an extra screen attached (HDMI port) and this one doesn't go black.
I can even play the game on this screen while my main screen (built-in) is black.....

I have tried the following things:
- Lowering down the graphics, didn't solve it.
- Upgrading the drivers, again no...
- Downgrading the drivers, still no...
- Opened the laptop and checked all the connections (warranty is already gone, so why not..), but no...
- Checked heat generation, doesn't overheat, so again no....

Funny fact: (Doesn't work always)
I always work on my laptop with a power-cord and battery attached.
When my screen goes black and I pull out the power-cord, my screen works fine again.
If I put the cord back, it turns black again.
I can't play only on my battery, since it needs to be replaced...

Most of the days, so far, there are no problems, but when they occur, they persist.
It begins with flickering (game to black to game, etc). This will hold on for 5-10 seconds.
If I'm lucky this ends in me seeing the game and if not I'm watching a black screen.
If I wait for like 30-60 seconds there is a chance that the black screen goes away and I can keep playing the game for more then 2 hours with no problems...
And if not, I need to shutdown the game and hope for some luck while I restart the game....

Please asus, come with a solution...

Level 7
Send it to Asus cause it might not be a VA related problem

Level 7
Well, just occurred to me that I formatted the laptop not long before that happened which caused the vBios to reset and I was still running Bios 213. Might not be related but in this case nothing can't surprise me anymore.

Anyway, I updated again my vBios, seemed to make a difference with the lcd a couple days later. Been able to run my laptop two days straight without any external monitor and again, the lcd went black.

Seeing how asus gave support to this model doesn't make me want to send it to them. If I'm going to put money on something it will be on another laptop.

Level 7
Hi guys!

Some of the answers here are off topic for sure. This thread is about when u start the puter u get a black screen ... *nothing* else! No msg at all on the screen, it is just pure BLACK! And the HDMI output is also BLACK. Everything is BLACK! Just pure BLACK like the background of this web page 😉
Period 🙂

That's the scenario I'm posting about. Period. 🙂

So this is what I found out and its been working for 3 months now ...

The problem is the magnetic electronic contact that is detecting if the lid is closed or not.
And that component is just glued to the puter with some crappy tape that is not holding it if you transport your laptop, or move it a little bit abuse. Yes, belive it or not, ASUS is selling a $2000 laptop that should not be moved ... :mad:

So this component is supposed to be attached horizontal, then gets into vertical mode. Then the magnetic sensor wont work ... and your 17.000 SEK puter becomes a brick stone.

So follow the instructions in this video to open your puter.
There is one really tricky contact to dissemble under the keyboard (5:24 in the U-tube clip), its the upper right. Take care or you wont be able to get it back. If you wont get it back, internal speakers wont work ... so actually no harm done since you probably use headset or external speakers 🙂 ... mine contact is now broken after 3 attempts dissembling and solving the problem :-X ... but ASUS, how the hell can put that crappy contact stuff in a $2000 puter ???
hmmm .. building quali? NO!

The sensor is at the very right down corner of your puter (check at 6:34 in the clip, just to the left of his thumb). Do whatever you need to make it stick in horizontal mode, then problem solved ... at least it was for me 🙂

Just about to buy a new puter ... ASUS?
No way after I've seen the building quali inside the puter ... its freaking unbelievable how poor its put together ... Think I go back to the old reliable Thinkpad again!

No guarantee it will help you guys, but it might be worth a try if you got a $2000 brick stone at the moment 🙂 Calling ASUS is not an option considering what ppl have written in this thread.
And if "calling ASUS" is not an option, who will buy an ASUS again?

Hi guys,

Today I disassembled my Asus G73JH in order to check if the manetic sensor was properly positioned, but I found out that it is not even there !
I sent the notebook to a technical assistance a year ago and I think they lost it :mad:

Does anyone have any idea to fix this problem? Where can I buy a new magnetic sensor?

Thank You All !

Hi All!

Here is finally a solution that works! Forget my earlier post, this is the way to go ... hopefully 🙂

Root cause issue seems to be that ASUS is using an extremely strong magnet for activating the lid closure contact. This leads to that the area around the lid closure contact gets permanently magnetised, leading to that the contact reacts as the lid is always closed, no matter if its open or not in reality 😞

Note that the magnetic contact is placed in different areas depending on your model. To find it, just drag a small iron nut around the square frame on screen. You will notice the magnet in the lid when the nut suddenly is "glued" to the frame.
Then on the corresponding area on the puter, where the lid contact is located, demagnetised it by moving a magnet in circular moves around the area for several minutes (as described in the link above).

BUT ... Problem WILL reoccur if you close your lid without weakening the magnet in the lid, so as it states in the thread, the only long term solution is to replace the lid magnet with a much much weaker magnet.
As a "dirty" fix I have placed an aluminium plate at the frame over the lid magnet. It works ok, but its not perfect. Maybe it gets better in the future when I have demagnetised the lid contact are some more times.

Here is good description how to expose the lid magnet:
At second thought, maybe i just remove the magnet completely, and let the screen be on those few times I close the lid while the puter is running. No magnet sure solves the magnetising issue 🙂