Hi there.
Thanks for that tip. I was already using the latest Radeon drivers however this Crimson stuff is new! The HD5870 in my G73JH is now considered a legacy device but fortunately AMD has a beta Crimson driver for us to use.
http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop/legacy?product=legacy3&os=Windows%2010%20-%2064Using Windows 10 safe mode (the only way I could run the G73JH without it freezing) I uninstalled the old AMD drivers, rebooted, then installed the new Crimson 16.1 Beta driver. So nice to see that the Catalyst Control Center is gone. I'm fairly certain that was the culprit but who knows.....
So far so good. I was usually getting about a month or so after I changed the video card driver without it freezing, so we'll see how this goes. I'll try and report back here in a month or so and let you all know how things have been going. If it starts freezing again, before then, I'll be back! Just sooner...