All (NOTE APPLIES TO JW/JH version of G73),
If you are experiencing freezing, crashing, usb stops working, BSOD, mouse doesn't work when resuming from screen saver, screen saver freezes, etc, particularly when your laptop has been left at idle for some time, there is a potential workaround for this problem:
The issue is with the intel C-state technology which basically, as I understand, reduces power consumption of the cpu when it is idle. The problem is either with the technology itself, or some Asus related issue on how they utilize this technology on their motherboards (I should say some of the motherboards, since not every G73 owner has this problem).
1. Download and install Throttlestop. Personally, I use version 3.0, it works for me. I had these issues for a year, every day the laptop freezing or crashing. Now with Throttlestop, I am stable going on 3 weeks. I RMAed my laptop TWICE; Asus service was excellent about the RMA, I got a lot of new components, but they could not fix the issue. Interesting I should get TWO motherboards with the same issue. I suspect this issue is more widespread than you could otherwise google. My research shows, though, Asus is not the only mfger affected, others are as well.
2. These are my settings I use for TS:
1. Near the top, there are 4 radio buttons, labelled 1, 2, 3 and 4. I have selected 1, which should be the Performance mode.
2. There is a row of "buttons" near the lower right of the screen, on TS version 3.0, these buttons will be labelled: TRL, TPL, BCLK, C"x"(where x will be a number, either 1, 3, 6 or 7), DTS, CLR. These buttons (except CLR) can be toggled to different settings, so if the buttons are labelled differently than I have described, I suggest you toggle until they read what mine read.
THE EXCEPTION is the C"x" button: This needs to read C1. THIS IS VERY important. When this button reads C1, this means the other C-states are disabled.
3. There are a bunch of checkboxes on the left hand side. I have all of these boxes UNCHECKED except the EIST box, which IS checked.
The clock modulation and chipset clock mod boxes are unchecked as well.
The Set Multiplier box I have checked, and in the drop box to the right, I have selected Turbo.
4. Click Save when done.
3. I also set a task to start TS each time the computer starts. You cannot use the startup folder. When setting the task, check "Run with highest privileges".
For support, try unclewebb at the notebook review forums. You cannot PM unclewebb any longer at Asus ROG, since his PM account has been disabled here.
If anyone wants to reach me in the event my PM does not work, email me at
nukemasterb@gmail.comHope this helps.