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G56JR - Replacing DVD Drive with SSD void warrenty?

Level 7
Asus G56JR-CN199H Laptop

Im thinking about buying this laptop and putting a SSD cady in the DVD drive so i can get faster boot up and keep League of Legends on it. If i do this will it void the warrenty? Also will this make the game run quicker? Also how hard would it be to replace the DVD drive with a SSD caddy? Im new to all this so don't really know much. Also will this laptop run LoL on medium or high settings good?

Getting the laptop form asus website

Level 7
I didn't know you could replace the DVD drive for a storage drive. Interesting..
It can run LoL on max settings easy man.

Level 7
Im having trouble finding a decent place to buy it from at the moment. Not many UK shops sells it. Does anyone know of any other good laptops 15.6" screen for LoL/Uni? My budget is £780 max.

Level 7
The setting can go to max easily. The game can boot slightly faster..But for the game to run quicklier i afraid its not possible...its not fair to get 5 blow from you while we only attack you 1 with jus a blow

Level 7
I play Dota 2 on everything high, so LoL should also be fine. You won't void your warranty as far as I have read on this forum