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G56 with GTX860M 2/4GB vRAM, when will it be released?

Level 7
Dear Asus, when would you make your move and make perfect 15' gaming laptop for this year? You see, not everybody want to carry this 17' stone brick.. I want to spend my money on Asus laptop because it fits my needs in most ways. Also there's new academic year in front of me and I need this laptop to work properly, so PLEASE make your move, mark premiere and RELEASE it. Thanks.

Level 7
I see.. very competent people work on this forum, well Asus, don't forget that king without people mean nothing, they'll choose best one which helps them.

CzesioSiano wrote:
I see.. very competent people work on this forum, well Asus, don't forget that king without people mean nothing, they'll choose best one which helps them.

CzesioSiano, this is a user supported forum, not an Asus Supported forum.

Asus Forum admins rarely post into the conversations, and those Asus people aren't engineers or product managers, they are Forum Admins - and they aren't going to post information on unreleased products or respond to questions about them with unreleased information.

You are asking your question in the wrong place if you expected Asus as a company to answer your question.

Asus did start a forum group for announced, but not yet shipping products here that might fit your desired configuration:

G771, G751, G551 and GX550 Gaming Notebooks

Level 7
Well, thank you, I find that answer helpful.