I'd like to add some RAM to my G55VW-S1129V that I'm about to receive in a few days.
I'd like to know the right RAM to add to the existing one because I don't want to void the guaranty by accessing to the mother board.
I've red that the RAM must be PC12800 (1600 MHz), 1.5Volts, and that timings must be the same as the one on the already installed RAM.
My questions:
1) What are the right timings to buy?
2) On this model, 6 Gigas are already installed, what's the pre-installed memory configuration? 3 slots of 2 Gigas?
3) If the 2 "inaccessible" slots are 2x 2Gigas, should I put 2x2 Gigas on the 2 accessible slots or can I put 2x4 Gigas that would make 12 Gigas total?
4) In 2 years once my guaranty is over, I'd like to remove all the RAM to put 32 Gigas, what is the best memoty I can buy in prevision?
http://www.materiel.net/barrette-mem...-10-80004.html ?
Thanks for your help.